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Rain, a divine blessing like rays of Sun and shine of moon revive many memories in hearts

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Rain, a divine blessing like rays of Sun and shine of moon revive many memories in hearts. With some a smile creep over lips, and some cover the expressions of face like clouds leading towards nothing but pain. The same was true for Devaki.

When she saw Rohini was enjoying in rain with brothers, memories started to flash in her mind. Rain had a significant place in her memories. When her Kanha had come to this world that was a stormy night. The heaviness of rain drops were pouring their happiness that night. For the first time after marriage her eyes were too wet out of happiness.

That day after Kanha being shifted to Nandgaon Devaki had expected some peaceful days at least imagining her son's childhood. But that didn't happen exactly. Whenever she had heard about the departure of Kansa's demon to kill Kanha her heart faced many thunder strikes over itself.

Anxiety had filled her thoughts when she was informed about the successful proceedings of Kansa's conspiracy. At the end the death news of Kansa's demons had relieved her, but only to be restless again with his next foul attempt against Kanha.

She too had suffered in all these unlike Yashoda. At least Yashoda could have hugged Kanha to assure herself that Kanha is fine. But Devaki didn't get this too. She had only one fact to console herself that her son wasn't an ordinary human being, he was the avtari of Dwapar yug. But facts aren't enough to calm emotions, especially a mother's emotions.

Devaki had lost her believe to rain somehow. She had developed a kind of hesitation towards rain with the doubt, whether it will be reliable to catch up with the positive spirit of rain or not. When everything became normal after that too she couldn't able to bring her normalcy back regarding rain.

"I had tried a lot. But rain didn't become the same to me like it used to be once. I don't want to affect my family, especially our unborn," Tears started to flow from her eyes accompanied by weak sobs.

"But what can I do even?" She shouted at herself allowing her agony to come out.

"I thought to cherish motherhood after arrival of our ladli. But how can I embrace her holding the pain of past days in my heart?" She asked to herself with a blank expression.

"God, please make a way out for me," Sobs overpowered her words.

"Looks like motherhood is denied for me. I should have understood it before," She concluded in a chocked voice.

"Now only one way is left," Saying so she weakly rised her hands to wipe her tears.

Kanha who knew everything happening in each corner even in each atom of the earth had a sad smile over his face.

"There's another way too, Mata. But you gave up even before giving that a thought. Even if I console you that won't work over the depth of your grief. Only self realisation can help you. I will try to lead you on that way, and you will meet the peace meant for you which had been missing from long years," Kanha promised making the soothing pace of wind worth that to cherish.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

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(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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