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After summer, rainy season had started approaching towards the earth

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After summer, rainy season had started approaching towards the earth. Everyone became relieved after arrival of rainy season. Trees had green leaves, fields had new production of crops. Everyone's heart was filled with utmost happiness as rain is the life source of the earth.

One day it was nearly noon time. Rain started heavily. Kanha went to garden, and was flipping on grass like a kid. All his clothes became muddy. Dau was searching Kanha through corridors. Suddenly his attention caught by a flipping figure in garden. In no time he realized that he was none other than his Kanha.

He didn't want to go there, and get wet in rain. But Kanha's cute gesture compelled him to go near his Kanha.

"Kanha, what's all these? Why are you flipping like a kid on mud?" Dau asked stopping Kanha to flip more.

"Dau, is flipping bounded by any age limit?" Kanha asked in his unique mischievous style.

"But it's a childish activity, Kanha!" Dau pulled Kanha's nose affectionately.

"Dau, life is so short. We should always cherish happiness whenever we get a slight shade of chance in our busy lives. Childishness is an emotion which can't be vanished with growth of our age. It may be suppressed by the fluctuations of situations in our lives," Kanha explained his point of view making dau take two steps back as he was in no mood to bear Kanha's philosophical words.

"Kanha, Now stop your philosophy, and let's go inside," Dau held Kanha's hand to go back.

"No, Dau. You said me a child na! So, just sent your maturity inside the palace, and be here with your childish side," Dau wanted to protest. But after witnessing innocent stubbornness in Kanha's eyes, he couldn't deny.

Soon brothers started their childish activities in rain. But after sometimes dau stopped, and shook Kanha who was lost in his enjoyment. Kanha turned towards dau, and saw mata Rohini at a short distance.

"Kanha today if I get beating from maiya then surely I will give your share to you," Dau warned Kanha with a sharp glare.

"Dau, why do you always panic like this? Be calm. Let her come near," Kanha's playful consoling didn't impact over dau.

"So that you can enjoy, and laugh at my beating!" Dau told in a stern voice making Kanha blink at him innocently.

Rohini came near, and gave a stern look to dau. Dau closed his eyes, and was expecting pain in his ear by her twisting. But he opened eyes at splash of water on his face, and surprisingly it was Rohini who did this collecting raindrops with in her both palms.

"Maiya, aren't you angry on me?" Being surprised was so obvious for dau.

"I saw both of my sons were enjoying in rain. Cherishing the childishness of children is the best experience for a mother, and feeling of those moments are precious to her more than anything in the world," She opened her arms for both of them.

"Mata, dau was fearing that you will beat him. He always says that you have no idea about cherishing childishness. Rather than that you are very strict to it," Kanha's mischief made it's way into that moment.

"Kanha, when did I say it?" Dau titled his head in hug to look at Kanha.

"Not directly in words. But your facial expressions always say something like this," Kanha replied pushing dau deep into bewilderment.

Rohini twisted dau's ear slightly for a moment. After that she smiled, and the duo also smiled. Someone was watching this from far. There was seriousness on her face rather than happiness. She went away from there silently without being able to resist the whirlpool inside her.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact you liked here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

Hey LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.


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