Progress I Guess

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We finally got to Cameron's house and wow was I tired. Cameron still had to help me out with the walking thing so he helped me to the couch. After I laid down for a nap I woke back up and stood up and stretched. I was still in my bloody clothes so I went to the guest bedroom to look for clothes.

There were some extra clothes so I put them on. I walked out of the guest bedroom and went to take a shower. Once I was there I turned the heat up and got in. The hot water soothed my muscles and let the water run over my face. I turned around and the water hit my back.

The whole time I was being tortured I didn't cry. I held it all in and the wave of sadness hit me just thinking about it. I held my hands over my eyes letting it hit me that I was just tortured. After a couple minutes I sniffled a little and had to force myself to stop crying.

I wasn't gonna let them make me cry and I wasn't gonna pity myself. I got out and got dressed since my air was wet I put it up in a braid.

Something about showing people my emotions just makes me uncomfortable. I headed out and went back to the closet putting my clothes in the dirty laundry.

Sleep proved to be a very hard thing to accomplish. I tossed and turned and tossed again. I was comfy don't get me wrong. The fact that Cameron has a huge house has finally come in handy. Even his guest bedrooms have great beds.

But still I kept feeling as if some one was watching me. When I looked no one was there. Then I kept having flashback to when I was captured. In the end I fell asleep at four thirty in the morning and we leave at six in the morning for Russia.

I woke back up at five fifty nine. I dragged my self to the kitchen. It still hurt to walk maybe a little less than before but the pain lessened enough for me to bare.

I walked in the kitchen and got out a bowl. I made myself some cereal and sat down. When I looked up there stood Cameron.

"What the fuck!" I screamed because he scared me. He just chuckled and sat next to me "What?" I asked him with an attitude. "I.. need to tell you something." He told me which kind of scared me.

"What is it I'm tired." I told him with another attitude "I told Maria I love her." He said making me feel confused "Well I mean that's...... Good." I didn't know exactly how to respond as you can tell.

"And she didn't say it back." He said and my jaw dropped.

"Oh that sucks." I told him truthfully and the room went silent.

I got up and put my bowl in the sink and went back to the guest bedroom. When came back out Maria was up. Thank the lord. "Can we got get my bags from my place?" I asked her and she nodded

The way there was awkward since Cameron drove us. I'm glad that we could just get my stuff and get to the airport.

When we got there we saw everyone else. "Are you okay Kara." Heath asked me when I sat down. "Yeah despite the fact I look like hell and I have a mean limp I'm fine." I said with sarcasm in my voice

He smiled and put a arm around me "I think you look beautiful and the limp thing isn't that bad you just look really weird when you walk... No biggie" He said making me laugh because hes no help.

"Thanks, I guess even though that just made me feel worse." I told him and he gasped dramatically.

"Oh I'm sorry, I have the perfect thing to make you feel better." Heath told me and leaned in for a kiss making me giggle as our lips met.

"You know that actually helped I think we should do it again." I told him and we kissed again. He pulled me in closer and our kiss deepened "Hey but listen I'm fine don't worry alright." I told him as I pulled away and he nodded

"Its just that I feel like I failed you." He said his voice becoming softer. "Heath listen to me, none of this is your fault I don't blame you so don't blame yourself." I told him cupping his cheeks in my hand.

He smiled and leaned in to my touch grabbing my hands and kissing them. We sat there together kissing every few moments.

Eventually we boarded the plane and were on our way. I leaned my head on Heaths shoulder. Just being near him relaxed me enough to fall in to a deep sleep.

When I woke back up we still had two more hours to kill so I decided to pop in a movie. Heath was asleep when I woke up so I had to be quiet.

Not long after the movie ended the flight attendant announced that wed be landing soon. And so we did when we got out it was cold but I've always preferred the cold over heat.

We walked a little ways from the plane and there stood three men who put us in car that brought us to a huge hotel like place.

When we walked in there were a few people lounging around some looked like they were going somewhere

It was a nice place I had to admit with a kitchen and lounge down stairs and the upper levels are rooms.

There were other places also I just didn't explore. I went to my room that I was sharing with Maria. Heath and Cameron were sharing a room and Brhyer was in a room with Charlie and Ashley was all alone.

I thought that was funny since I kind of don't like her.

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