things are better...maybe?

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"W-what?" Josie stumbled over her own words.

Penelope blinked slowly and swallowed. "Do you, or do you not have feelings for Hope?" She slowly stretched out the sentence, like she doesn't wanna know the answer but she has to know at the same time.

A wave of guilt had washed over Josie, not knowing how to answer. She opened her mouth but her body wouldn't allow her to speak. The brunette clamped it shut and looked down in shame.

"Well, that answers that." Penelope scoffs a laugh. "I don't, I don't think we can do this anymore."

Josie snapped her head up. "What?" A small tremble managed to escape.

Penelope shot out an unenthusiastic laugh. "Is that all you have to say?" She shook her head. "We can't do this if you have feelings for her."

"Pen." She reaches out to grab the girls hand but she pulls back.

"No," Penelope wipes at her eyes ever so slightly. "Goodbye Jo." she whispered as she placed a chaste kiss on the brunette's cheek then got into her car.

Josie stood emotionless as she watched the car back out of the parking lot and left.

Once Josie got the strength to move she gripped her car keys tightly and quickly walked back towards the car.

She walked past Lizzie tossing the car keys at her, the blonde barely managing to catch them and clutching them towards her stomach, careful not to let them fall.

Josie jerked the passenger door open and harshly sat down in the seat slamming the door behind her. Letting out a frustrated sigh, she ran a hand through her hair.

In the car was Hope, looking miserable, probably feeling it too. Her head was leaned against the window, her headphones plugged in, blankly staring at the driver seats headrest. She felt Josie come in looking distraught.

"You okay?" Hope sat up with genuine concern in her voice.

"I'm fine." Josie spat out, not even bothering turning around. Hope knew not to push it so she just left it at that.

Moments later Lizzie came in the car more confused than concerned. The blonde looked back at Hope, giving her a look that said " Do I ask? " Hope shakes her head quickly but subtly. Lizzie nods and turns in the engine.

The ride home was completely silent. Josie leaning against the window, every now and then the brunette would wipe her eyes. Everytime Hope saw that she couldn't help but feel a burden of worry. If she could, Hope would engulf Josie into a hug that would last forever, but she couldn't, and she won't.

Once they arrived, Josie didn't hesitate to scramble out of the car as fast as she could. Hope watched as she ran inside the house. She felt her heart swell, she knew something was definitely wrong and every bone in her body aches to find out exactly what.

can you hear me now? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora