so kiss me now before i-

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Hope and Josie both look at each other with a panicked look and dart into the house.

As they enter the room they realize it was only Kaleb, overly excited about the new addition. The two let out a breath of relief.

Kaleb notices them immediately and rushes to their side. "Since when did you guys get a dog?"

Josie stammers to talk and looks at Hope.

"Long story." Hope manages to breath out. Kaleb stood in a state of both shock and excitement, and neither of them could tell which one.

While the rest of the band were still arriving, Kaleb and Josie spent their time playing with the small mutt.

After a while the small creature starts to get tired and lays in Josie's lap sleepily. The brunette stares in awe as if she could watch Jessi sleep forever. Hope stares from afar. She was starting to feel a little jealous that Josie had her attention elsewhere instead of her.

Elsewhere being a puppy.

Lizzie had been almost annoyed the whole time.

"Alright dummies, it's practice time, and stop playing with my dog." Lizzie stands up and clasps her hands together. When no one moves she clears her throat and narrows her eyes towards everyone.

Hope turns to hide the small snicker that comes out of her, and Josie giggles. "Okay okay, also Lizzie technically she's mine."

The blonde rolls her eyes and huffs, walking towards the garage door.

Josie was about to follow her before she turned around. "MG, could you watch Jessi, I know you're not busy today?"

"Of course Jo." The boy smiles as he picks up the small creature and starts nurturing it.

Hope gestures for Josie to walk towards the garage. The brunette eyes Hope and gives a deadly smirk.

Once the two were near the small hallway behind the stairs, Josie dragged Hope into an area where no one could see them and pulled her into a kiss.

Once pulled apart, Hope was sent into a daze. "W-what was that about?" The auburnette swallowed.

The younger girl shrugged and walked off, leaving Hope stunned.


"It's a Black Phoenix Gretsch." Landon shows off his new instrument.

It's been almost two hours into the practice and they were in the middle of a break.

"A what?" Josie tilts her head. Second time, the second time she's gotten confused by an instrument.

Landon chuckles. "Okay so remember like a few months ago you wanted to play a song, but we didn't have the right instrument or guitar thingy?"

Josie scrunches up as an attempt to recover her memories. Then it clicks. "Oh!" She excitingly brightens. "I do yeah."

"Well." Landon stretches out the word and starts strumming the strings on the instrument.

Hope perks up instantly recognizing the chords being played. The rest of the group looks puzzled and give each other looks.

The older girl picks up her bass and wraps the strap around her shoulder falling into place with Landon's strumming.

Josie recognizes the song as Upsahl's Kiss Me Now .

Knowing Josie, she walks up to the mic and grabs it.

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