luv is stooopid

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Josie wakes up the next morning, a bright smile appearing on her face when she realizes their gig is today. Her heart beats faster with excitement and thrill, imagining the crowd as her and the band perform for them.

She walks with a pep in her step to the bathroom. As usual, her father was nowhere to be found, as he was a pretty busy doctor with long work hours. She starts stripping her clothes off, getting into the shower and turning the water on to scorching hot; her preferred shower temperature. She starts to mindlessly sing random songs off the top of her head, as she does the typical routine of lathering her hair with shampoo, followed by body wash. Her mind drifts to Hope, and stays there despite Josie trying to get the girl out of her head.

She gets out of the shower, now humming the melody to Ocean Eyes without realizing it. She brushes her teeth, before beginning her skincare routine. Her soft humming slowly turns into singing as time passes.

"I've been watching you

For some time

Can't stop staring

At those oceans eyes"

At this point, she's full on singing, without a single thought in mind. Her eyes are closed in concentration, as she focuses in on the sound of her voice

"I'm scared

I've never fallen from quite this high

Falling into your ocean eyes

Those ocean eyes"

When she opens her eyes, she catches Lizzie's stare through the mirror in front of her. She yelps, before turning around to face the blonde. "Lizzie! You scared me!" Josie says with her hand on her heart, feeling it race from being startled.

All Lizzie does is roll her eyes. "You're the one who didn't lock the door."

"You could've knocked or something." Josie argues.

"Either way, you would've never heard me, with how loud you were singing. Great job by the way, it sounded great." At Lizzie's rebuttal, Josie widens her eyes. Was I really that loud , she wonders, the brunette does have a tendency to get carried away from singing, after all, especially if she's really into it.

"Anyways," Lizzie continues on, a grin on her face from winning their small quarrel, "Who's the song you're singing about."

Josie, pauses, thinking over the answer. She hadn't realized until the question that it was indeed about Hope. The lyrics of the song match the feelings she has for the auburn-haired girl perfectly. She had thought the girl fully escaped from her mind once she started singing, but apparently not. Of course, she wasn't about to tell her twin that. "No one in particular."

Lizzie seems unconvinced, and raises an eyebrow. "Really? You only sing like that when you're very emotional about the subject."

can you hear me now? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora