when im getting bored i start some drama

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Josie mentally cursed herself, she had completely forgotten that she asked Landon to help set up today. Hope and Josie walked down the slim aisle. Josie's hands are now down by her side, the same with Hope. As they were walking down the back of their hands slightly brushed. A shock of electricity shot through Josie. Hope felt nervous about the slight contact. Josie quickly picked her arms up and crossed her chest then redirected her gaze to Landon.

"Landon, Hey." Josie swallowed her thoughts.

Hope just smiled at Landon and he smiled back, with heart eyes. Josie now felt like a third wheel, and she wanted to run, as far as possible, she couldn't. Their gaze lingering, Josie just cleared her throat and clasped her hands, she felt uncomfortable being in this situation. Hope snapped out of the gaze and looked at Josie.

"Should we?" Josie pointed at the stage with instruments in the back. Landon and Hope both nodded. Thank god for the school band to have extra guitars, bass' and drum sets. Josie quickly sets down her jacket on the edge of the stage.

Hope and Landon were talking the whole time they were setting up the drum set. The drum set was a nice wine red color and it seemed brand new. Josie would've at least appreciated being included in a conversation. Josie has been dead silent moving the guitar and the guitar stand to the left front side of the stage. She went to the back of the stage to grab a mic stand. As she walked past them she heard Landon say something. "You look cute when you smile."

That earned him a blush from Hope. "Kill me now." Josie muttered under her breath, she felt like she was on thin ice. As she placed the mic stand down she walked towards them.

"Are you guys done, I could use some help setting up the mic stands?" Josie's voice sounded very unamused. Hope realized they've been done for the past 5 minutes and felt guilty that Josie had to do everything else, while her and Landon just talked, on the floor.

"Oh, yes we have." Landon said quickly as he got up from the floor, a big toothy grin was smeared across his face. Josie gave a quick small smile and turned around. "Josie are you okay? You've been off today."

The ice has been destroyed.

She quickly turned around. "You know I'm sick of you asking if I'm okay." Landon just frowned and a wave of guilt washed over Hope. "What? Am I not allowed to feel other emotions other than happiness? I can take care of myself, and I know you're just trying to be there for me, but this is something I can't discuss with you." She quickly glanced at Hope who just visibly gulped. Josie tried swallowing a lump in her throat and stopped the tears from exiting her eyes.

She bit her lower lip. "You know what." Josie sent out an unamused laughter, and picked up her jacket from the edge of the stage. "You guys can finish here, I'm going back." Her tone was now soft, and clearly upset. She walked up the aisle, in a matter of seconds she was out of eye range for Hope and Landon.

For the remaining time Josie was seated in her seat that she's been in all year. She had pulled out her song book and written down lyrics. Finding it hard to decide what to call the song, she nibbled on the end of her pencil. Before she knew it she felt a presence behind her.

"You write songs?" It was Hope and her tone was soft. She sat down next to Josie. She looked at Hope and showed her a sad smile.

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