"Yes, it is and I can when I was given the right to do whatever I like. You, Aiden I'm sorry to say aren't considered a person anymore but merely an object we can use. If you die well we can easily find another like you. Aiden, you should be proud. You are going to be contributing to making a huge leap in science. This is truly a gift you have so why not take advantage of it?" she said, taking off out of the room leaving me alone again.

Just the thought of her plans makes me sick and disgusted to think anyone would agree with what she wanted to do and is doing now. Someone's child growing inside me yet again. Not mine, not a single part of me.

Like the first time she gave me some type of injection of medicine to induce labor. This gives her a short period of time to insert one or two fertilized eggs inside my body before my body realizes a baby isn't about to be born. A few weeks later once she can confirm the pregnancy is when she starts sticking needles through me to get to the baby. Changing it before it even started developing and when the baby is born it will be 'perfect' just as the parents wanted him or her to be.

"It will take years until we get better at this." she said after the first time.

I guess I'll get to see when this is all I'm ever going to be. Carrying babies for people that want a perfect child without going through it themselve or even considering what goes on behind the closed doors. This is what I'm useful for right?

And here I thought years ago I never wanted kids or just one. Now I'm pregnant for the fourth time carrying the second child going to be born perfect in a world where this shouldn't even be possible. I'm getting nothing out of this but misery. Wishing every day it will end.


The next day...

"I have something you will be happy about." she says walking into the room.

"Yeah right." I scoff.

"If that's how you want to act then I suppose I won't let you see your son today." she replies.

"What?" I say wondering if I heard her right.

"Oh now you care when I mention him?"

"You're lying again." my hopes being crushed, she is probably messing with me.

"Am I?"

"You said that before but it never happened." I reply.

"I know and I'm sorry." she says walking closer to me.

"No, you're not!" I yell at her.

"Fine, I won't let you see him today or ever. I'll be leaving with the keys to his room." she reaches into her pocket pulling a single key out waving it for me to see.

"No, don't! I'm sorry, please let me see him." I apologize.

"That's what I thought. If I loosen your restraints you have to promise not to try and leave. I have money invested in you and I'm not wanting to lose it. So will you behave?" she puts the key back into her pocket waiting for me to answer.

"Yes, I'll behave. I promise." I say feeling so degraded as if I'm a little kid.

"Good." she replies before loosening the restraints I used to spend hours trying to loosen without making a difference.

I wait until she's done then get out of the bed. The first time without someone other than her watching my every move. I follow her out the door seeing the outside of the room since I first arrived. Other doctors walking in the hall some noticing me, some not. "It's this way." she says heading right through the hall passed other rooms with other people probably in them wishing they could be out of there.

"Stop! Let me go!" I hear a guy yell coming from a voice I recongize but I can't see the person who is being quickly pushed in a hospital bed into a room by the other doctors.

"That doesn't concern you Aiden." she says noticing how I stopped walking to see what was going on.

I look away once the door shuts and continue walking. Curious to know who it was. It had to be someone I know or maybe it only sounded like him. But how could it be him when he wasn't like me? He was normal, something I wish I was so I wouldn't be here.

She suddenly stops in front of a plain white door and I watch as she inserts the key turning it to unlock the door and taking it back out. "You can go in." she says and I don't waste anytime.

I grab the door knob and turn to open it walking inside and see him. I smile the first time in a long time and I don't want this to end. I hurry over to him to give him a hug. Wrapping my arms around him and to let him know I'm not like her. I'm not someone that's going to hurt him when I'm his dad. I'm the person that carried him, brought him into this world and I wish I could have gave him a better life. I don't want him to hate me when this isn't what I wanted him to grow up knowing or thinking is normal.

"I'm so happy to finally see you again." I say almost wanting to cry. As I pull away to look at him I notice right away he likes a bit like me and Kaleb. He's my son and I don't ever want to lose him again.

"You have an hour." I hear her say before shutting the door behind her giving me the time I've been wanting to spend with him.

"I know you don't know who I am but I'm your dad. I've thought about you every day along with your sister and I've been waiting to one day see you so I could give you a hug." I say making him look at me confused which makes sense. I just met him and he probably thinks I'm some bad person coming in to hurt him.

"Dad?" he asks continuing the look at me.

"Yeah, I carried you inside my tummy with your sister for months." I tell him.

"So does that make you a good person or bad?" he questions still not sure if he can trust me.

"I'm good I promise." I say.

"You're not a monster like her." he whispers softly into my ear.

"No, I'm not a monster like her Kaden." I reply calling him by the name I planned on naming him.

"Who's Kaden?" he says confused.

"You are it's your name." I reply.

"It is?" he asks with a smile.

"It is and I think it fits you perfect."


Six Months Later...

"One day we will escape and be free. We will be able to live the happy life we were meant to have. One day soon." I told him but as I lay on this bed with the pain only getting worse I have a feeling it's not going to happen.

Something's wrong I know it is and I'm terrified of the worse taking place. Nothing is going right with this pregnancy like it should, like it had the times before. I told her we weren't meant to be carrying baby after baby especially when she is tampering with our compabitlity.

"We're going to have to preform an emergency c-section." she announnces looking at me, worry on her face for the first time.

I hear someone say something but I start to drift in and out of consicious as they rush me to another room down the hall. "It's going to be fine." I hear someone say.

Fine? When has any of this be fine? I think to myself not able to pay attention to what's going on around me. My whole body hurting when this baby wants to come out. Something that shouldn't be hard when my body was made for this but that isn't what's taking place right now. My body isn't changing to make this possible and easy as it should be. I have a feeling this baby wanting to come out is what's going to kill me.

"The baby's heart rate is dropping." I hear her say frantically when I hear a faint line belonging to the baby.

"Stop." she simply says.

"But we need to get the baby out. The baby will kill him if we don't." someone says.

"Let it. We can always find someone to replace him." with those last words is when I take my last breath. Closing my eyes as I finally get to be free again. I only wish I didn't have to leave Kaden and Karly behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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