Lizzie had finished her training, and now that she was a full protector, she's been acting like one lately.

"I'm saying it as a person who doesn't want to die," was the thing Lydia said and Lizzie looked at her sideways before continuing to walk.

"I'm not gonna let you die, Lyds," she assured her and Stiles turned around abruptly.

"Are you gonna let me die?" Lizzie scoffed.

"I don't care what happens to you."

Stiles rolled his eyes before they kept waking, Lydia whispering again.

"We're going to die."

Stiles looked at her. "Okay. Would you just mind restricting any talk of death to actual Banshee predictions?" He asked her in his usual sarcastic tone.

Lydia decided to speak sarcastically too. "This plan is stupid and we're going to die," she said it in a mocking tone, making Stiles force a smile at her before rolling his eyes.

"Oh, thank you," he told her using his sarcasm and Lydia simply smiled.

The three walked through a dark alley. Lydia was holding on to Lizzie's arm while she had her hand on her belt, feeling how next to her skin, her sister's dagger was staying still.

It was her graduation from training present, or at least that was what Amelia told her when she couldn't find any other thing to give to her.

The three stopped in front of a door that was being guarded by two men who seemed not give a crap of who they hit, but hitting someone itself. She hated that type of guys.

"Estamos aquí para la fiesta," told Lydia from behind Lizzie and her protector raised her eyebrows.

The man shook his head, so Lizzie looked over to Stiles.

The guy proceeded to take out a card with a skull on it, showing it to the two guys before showing it to the camera on the corner, next to the ceiling.

They heard the door click, and the two men stepped aside, letting the three inside.

As they walked through a red-painted walls hallway, the door closed behind them, making Lizzie immediately reach the side of her black jeans where the dagger was, but when she saw no threat, she kept walking in front.

"Stay close to me," Lizzie whispered to the two before taking the lead, approaching the trembling door in front of them.

Lizzie looked back to the two before opening it, arriving to the room...

... where the party was going on.

The electronic music was playing, and a high amount of people were dancing on the dance floor, some with no shirt on even.

Stiles looked towards the balconies on the high floor and Lizzie did the same, noticing men standing there.

Lizzie drove Stiles and Lydia towards the bar, the three standing in front of it quietly as the music hit Lizzie's ear, making her close her eyes as she was trying to focus.

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