I could try drawing it more detailed and with colour at home. I could also give it to Yaku to thank him for taking me to pride and being my friend. But I didn't want to be so cringy. It would be weird giving him a drawing of himself, wouldn't it?

I would definitely draw this as soon as I have the time for it. Whether I give it to him or not.

As I looked at the other sketches I realized that the gay couple, I drew earlier, kind of looked like me and Yaku. Okay, I should definitely keep this secret. Everybody would know that it's Yaku. especially with the more detailed sketch next to it. Everybody would know about my crush.

*bell rings*

I was still in my thoughts, so I didn't hear the bell ring at first. But as my classmates left the room I finally realized and packed my stuff as fast as I could. I paid attention to put the drawing behind all other things I drew.


Finally, school is over.

Now there's only practice left.

And then I could go to pride with yaku.

Yaku told me that we wouldn't practise today so that we could spend more time there.

Practice was exhausting, but I was very motivated and received most of the balls.

Yaku even complimented me.

I couldn't believe it at first but at the end of practice he came up to me and said: "you really did great today, Lev. Please stay so motivated".

He blushed while saying this and looked at the ground, completely flustered.

It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

yaku pov:

Right now Lev and I were walking out of the gym together.

Practice was kind of exhausting, but I liked it anyway. Lev was even more excited than in the morning. As I told him, I was expecting a comment about how I never complimented him, but somehow Lev just accepted it. Probably he saw me blushing.

We quickly packed our bags and left the gym.

On our way out we talked about practice before I changed the topic and we talked about the afternoon we would spend together.

"So, what are we going to do now?" I asked. I didn't know whether we should put our things away before going or not. But Lev's house was on the way, so we could quickly put our things there, maybe grab some cookies if Alisa left some and go to pride.

"We could quickly go to my house to leave our stuff there. I could also grab some money, I forgot it in the morning" Lev replied chuckling nervously.

"Sure, let's hurry up. I want to spend as much time as possible at Pride" I said. I was really excited and I think he knew that.

We now walked faster than before. I could feel him getting more excited with every step he took.

As we reached his house we quickly rushed in, threw our bags on the floor and ran out. Lev grabbed his wallet and some cookies for me and quickly catched up to me.

While walking we ate the cookies and talked about how excited we were.

We were almost there, as we walked by a stand, which was selling pride-themed things. Without thinking I bought two pride pins, one for Lev and one for me. Mine was a simple rainbow, while Levs was a heart-shaped pansexual flag.

Lev on the other hand was buying something, with which you could draw rainbows on your cheeks. I think it is called a Fan brush or something.

He gave it to me, as I pinned the pin, I brought for him onto his white t-shirt. The shirt had the rainbow flag printed on it, with 'Kiss whoever the fuck you want' written above.

It looked way better than my turquoise crop-top. The only thing pride-themed I wore was the pin and a pride bracelet, my mom bought me after I outed myself.

She always was over motivated and very supportive, so I came out as soon as I was sure, that I was gay. She of course supported me and almost ordered a pride flag. But I convinced her not to because I haven't told my friends at that time. Maybe I would ask her to buy me one now that I was out.

After Lev finally drew the rainbow on my cheek he smiled happily. "I knew it would look cute" he said, smiling over both ears as I blushed. "If you say so" I replied looking him directly into his emerald eyes. "Give me that, I want to make it for you as well" I added, trying to grab the fan brush out of his hand. But he, mocking me like he always does, just held it up, so I couldn't reach it. "give it to me you stupid giant" I said, trying to reach the object he was holding - unsuccessfully.

I became really annoyed, so I just kicked him in the stomach and as he bowed down to hold his stomach I grabbed the fan brush from him. After that, I opened it as fast as I could, grabbed Lev's face and applied one curvy line on each of his cheeks. Then I added a line on my left arm before I gave it back to Lev. He somehow was blushing madly.

The Pride Confession, yakulev (ShibayamaxInuoka)Where stories live. Discover now