Mothers Day (Frerard)

Start from the beginning

"The twins made you Mothers Day cards, and we got you presents. They got you flowers too!"

Lily held out the heavy glass vase of flowers and showed Gerard the bunch of twelve roses.

"Wow, they're beautiful!" Gerard smiled, "I love them, thank you girls!"

Gerard grabbed the handmade cards from his daughters, with a large mouthful of syrup covered pancakes in his mouth. One card was pink, covered in sparkles and glitter, with the scribbled To mommy, I love you so so much! From Cherry XOXO! Gerard smiled and placed it on his bedside table, and then opened the other card. Mommy, happy Muvers Day! Love, Lily!!!! The card from Lily was covered in red and pink love hearts and hugs and kisses.
The twins climbed up on the bed and snuggled into each of Gerards arms. Gerard mumbled something, and gently pushed Lily off of his belly.

"Don't sit on me, okay?"

"Why not mommy?"

"I'm just a little sore, dont worry hun."

Frank left three gift bags on the bed and prompted Gerard to open one. He chose the one that was a silver colour with sparkles on first, pulling out the white tissue paper and then a framed photo. It was a photo of their wedding day, and then a photo of the twins as babies.

"Oh...Wow. This is beautiful.." Gerard trembled.

"That ones from me. The twins wanted to get you something too."

Still inside the bag from Frank, was a new set of snuggly pyjamas and slippers, and four face masks.

"I thought all four of us can have a nice spa day together. We can paint the twins' nails, relax and have some wine...What do you think Gee?"

Gerards face turned ghostly white in a matter of seconds, "I'm gonna be sick."

Frank hurriedly grabbed a trashcan from the other side of the room and held it under Gerards face. Gerard hovered over it, gagging a few times before vomiting. The twins were also making fake gagging sounds, Frank was rubbing Gerards back.

"Whats going on baby? You not feeling great?"

"No...I don't know Frankie...M'okay."

"You up for going for a family walk later?"

"Mm. I'll be okay."

"Mama! Open my present!" Lily yelled.

"Open mine first!" Cherry yelled back.

"No mine!"

"Girls, stop arguing. Mama's not feeling well." Frank interrupted.

Gerard grabbed one of the other gift bags, and pulled out a stuffed bear. It was fluffy and brown, and had a red ribbon tied around its neck.

"Thats from me!" Cherry giggled, "Do you like it?"

"I love it, thank you sweetheart."

"Now mine!" Lily yelled.

Gerard giggled slightly and grabbed the final gift bag. He pulled out scrunched up peices of pink and purple paper and pulled out a large black and white striped sweater.

"Thank you girls, i love them both very much."

Gerard lay back in bed, after wiping his sweaty forehead on the back of his hand. Frank gritted his teeth, worried for his husband. Gerard very rarely got sick, and the last time he did, he got seriously ill. Whenever he did get sick, it was usually serious.

"Gee, you stay in bed if you dont feel good." Frank said, in a stern motherly tone.

"You're not my mom." Gerard giggled.

"Im serious. You dont look well."

"Im okay. Just a little dizzy."

"Gee, whats going on? I know when somethings wrong."

He shrugged, "I think i just woke up and ate too fast. Couldn't hold it in. I feel fine."

Frank placed the back of his hand to Gerards forehead, "You dont have a fever. Just tell me if you feel sick."

"Will do. Whats first on the agenda?"

"We wanted to take you on a family walk. Its been forever since we last took one. All four of us."

Frank reached his hand out and pulled Gerard up on his feet. They both changed out of their pyjamas, and into similar outfits. They both wore band tees and skinny jeans. When Frank wasn't looking, Gerard stared at the cardboard box of his old maternity clothes, smiling softly as he did. They were planning on throwing them out, but Gerard convinced Frank to hold onto them for a little while longer.

"Gimme your foot." Frank teased at the younger twin.

Gerard awed, as Frank playfully pinned her down and tickled all over her, while trying to push her shoe on her foot. They were a perfect little family, and they all knew it.

"C'mon. Lets go now. We're gonna take you to where mommy first told me he was going to have you. Right by the lake in the park." Frank said softly to Cherry and Lily.

Gerard smiled, slipped a narrow box into his pocket, and followed his family out of the door.
Frank walked hand in hand with Gerard, and his other holding Lilys hand. Gerard hold was holding Cherrys hand.

They sat on a park bench, overlooking the blue lake. Gerards and Franks first date was here, and their wedding in the park, they spent every anniversary here, and where Gerard told Frank he was expecting. It was a truly a special place for the Iero-Ways.

"Frankie...I know today you wanna spoil me but...i have a surprise for you." Gerard said with a smile.

"Oh? What is it?"

Gerard shakily reached into his jacket pocket, and pulled out the small box. Frank trembled as he took the lid off, and pulled out a stick. A stick he remembered from five years ago, a pregnancy test. There was a pink plus on the screen, and he looked up at Gerard with wide eyes and a happy smile.

"Im pregnant, Frankie."

Frank immediately squealed with joy, holding the test in his hand. He leaned in and kissed Gerards lips.

"I should've known! You were sick this morning, and-and you crave pancakes! Im so dumb!" He laughed.

"I didn't do a great job at hiding it, so yeah, dumbass."

"Cherry! Lily! Come here!"

The twins quickly ran over, Lily jumping up on Franks knee and Cherry on Gerards.

"Mommy has a surprise for you!"

"What is it mommy?" Lily asked.

Gerard bit his lip and smiled, "Y'know how i told you that mommy had to carry you around for a long time in my belly? Well, i get to carry another! You're gonna be big sisters!"

Both of the twins immediately began screaming, tackling Gerard with hugs and kisses. March 14th, in Belleville Community Park, marked yet another special day on that bench, overlooking the lake. The day the family found out their family was going to have a new addition, just where they found out about the twins, and where they vowed to spend the rest of their lives together.

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