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Tarquin paled as he looked me over. "How- how are you- how have you survived?" Tarquin stuttered, stumbling over his words. I smiled.

"Oh, you know, living out in desolate places, hiding," I replied, casually walking around him. He followed me with his body.

"You're not supposed to be here," he said. And it seemed as if something clicked in his mind. "It was you! The power surge, it was you."

"Both times," I said smiling. He let out a breathy sigh and brought his hand up to his head.

"Why? How?" he started questioning. "What did you do?" I shrugged.

"I did a couple of things," I said, leaning against one of the walls in the area. "But they aren't that important. And that's not why I'm here and you know it," I said, a stern expression taking over my face. He paled a little again.

"Nalé, I can't- you know I can't give it to you," Tarquin said, almost pleading with me. I clicked my tongue.

"She's dead," I said abruptly. He seemed to tense. "Give it to me." He shook his head.


"She is dead, Tarquin. She is not going to come after you for giving it to me," I continued.

"What are you going to do with it?" he asked. I didn't reply to his question. "Nalé come on. Why do you want it?"

"That's none of your business," I shot back at him. He raised an eyebrow.

"Your mother gave it to me to protect it from you. I can't give it to you, I'm sorry," Tarquin continues.

"I need it. It's mine. Give it to me," I continue to beg. I feel my desperation ring in my voice and try to pull myself together.

"Nalé, listen to me," he starts. I only look at him. "If you tell me what you're going to do, I'll give it to you," he eventually says hesitantly. I sigh and walk to the couches in the corner of the room. He follows me and sits across from me.

"Fine. I need it- because-" I start, hesitant to reveal what I need it for. Tarquin doesn't interrupt or persist, just sits and waits, watching me. I sigh. "I want her back." Tarquin looks at me sternly. "It can bring her back. It's the only way. Please Tarquin. I need it, I'm lost," I say, letting my head fall in my hands. Tarquin shifts to sit next to me and places an arm around my shoulders.

"You know you can't do that. And you know she wouldn't let you. She's happy now, and you know that. Better than anyone," Tarquin said. "What's going on? What's bothering you?" I shake my head. He squeezes my shoulder. "You can tell me." I take a breath and tell him. From leaving my father, hiding in the night court, being caught, finding out about my mate, and everything else. I tell him about the power surges. He listens. He doesn't interrupt. Just like all the other times I talked to him about what I was dealing with. And it was relieving.

"It's hard, I get it, but bringing your mother back isn't going to help much," he starts. I let him talk. "She's happy now and you know it. She's accepted what happened. She went willingly. And she's watching over you. I understand you want to be able to hold her again but you can't. I know how you feel. If I had the power to make it work, I would use it to bring my family back. But I can't. And you shouldn't," he continues to talk. He places his hands on mine. "The night court is a tricky place. But if anyone would be able to merge their way into their group, it would be you. You shouldn't let Mor get to you like that. I know that having a mate is a sensitive topic for you considering what your father did and expected, but it's not like you to let what other people think get to you. Prove to her that you are there to stay. And if worse comes to worse, you're welcome to come here as long as you leave the diamond alone," Tarquin says, rubbing my back, calming me. I sigh.

"I'll leave the diamond here, for now," I say. He smiles slightly.

"Go talk to your mother. Ask her about the situation, and how you feel. I'm sure she'll be able to help," Tarquin reassures me. I nod.

"I'll do that," I reply. I stand up and Tarquin follows my movements.

"Be safe Nalé," he says. I nod. I walk to the balcony and spread my wings. I take a deep breath and launch myself into the sky, again passing his wards. I fly towards Hybern and as I land on the fresh soil, I feel a rush go through me. I let my magic flow from my body into the soil. It sprouts with green grass, taking over the dying soil. Flower beds sprout and fruit trees grow. I smile as I feel my power ground itself. A small path travels from my feet towards the center of the ground. Magic sprouts from every pore in my body. Slithers of power surrounding and flying around my body as the path develops into a beautiful castle. It is small in comparison to the immense structure of the King of Hybern's castle. The castle that stood here for years. The white marble walls shine in the sunlight. The windows glimmer as the light reflects off the crystal glass. It has one large spire coming from the center, the throne room. Two smaller spires to its side. I let out a breath as my magic comes back into my skin. I walk towards the palace.

I push past the large crystal doors into the large throne room. One throne stands on the dias, a set of feathered wings carved into the sides. I take a deep breath and hold my hand out towards the throne. "Vrea ni mastic natu," I say, repeating it again and again until the portal is stabilised. My stand before it, watching. "Mother?" I call. A moment passes and she appears, a smile on her face.

"My dear, what is troubling you?" she asks. She kneels and I copy her movement, kneeling across from her.

"I don't know what to do anymore," I admit.

"Nalé. I know you went after the diamond. You know I will not come back," she states. I let the tears fall from my face.

"I can't do this without you, mother. I am lost. I don't know what to do. I only make things worse. I need your help."

"It is difficult, I understand my dear. But you are strong. You are stronger than anyone I know. Don't let your father plague the rest of your life." I remain silent at her comment. "You have destroyed your father's castle?" She then asks. I look at her and see her looking around behind me. A small smile appears on my lips.

"Yes. I destroyed it. I don't know why I made the new one. I just landed and it kind of happened. I felt out of control," I explain. My mother seems to smile wider.

"My dear, I'm so proud of you!" I raise a brow at her. She smiles. "The palace you have made, it resembles the buildings in Mystia. It is your true heritage. Your magic is telling you who you are. You are not Hybern. You are Nalé Silvermore. You are Mystia. Mystia lives on in you. You are the last descendant of Mystia. And your magic has realised it. Has accepted it. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time," my mother explains. "This-" she starts, motioning to the palace around us. "-this is Mystia. This, what you have created, is where we come from. Be proud of it. There are many rumours about us. Many bad stories. But this is proof of our magic telling the world who we are. We are not the dark magic similar to the King of Hybern. We are not the wicked creatures the stories proclaim. We are love. We are nature. We have done some bad things but our origins come from this," my mother continues to tell. I become more and more captivated by the building around me and the nature blooming just outside.

"And my magic did this? Why?" I ask.

"Yes it did. To show you. You say you are lost. You are lost in your entire body. Your magic knows this. It is helping, showing you your origin. What you can be. I cannot hold you, but I am here with you. You don't need to be lost. And you have him," my mother says, nodding behind me. I turn around in shock to see Azriel standing in the doorway, amazement written across his face.

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