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I had winnowed myself back to my small house in the city. I grabbed a little tote bag and stuffed it with Andaras, tree sap, and grass powder as well as some vials. I tossed my coins in there as well. I packed a spare pair of clothes and some food. I turned around to head to the door and saw the shadowsinger standing there, in front of my door. "What are you doing here?" I asked bitterly. I saw no emotion on his face. A throb went through my mind and I felt him on the edges of my mind.

Don't leave.

Get out!



As long as I stay at the edge of your mind I am not hurting you. I stayed quiet at his statement. Come back with me.

No. Your friend hates me.

I don't care. I don't hate you.

You don't know me. You don't know what and who I am. What I have done. I will never be able to fulfill your desires in a mate. I've never had a lover. I don't know how it works. I'll hurt you.

Let us try. I know you don't know. Please, come back. I don't want to forcefully take you- but I- I want you. I want to learn you. Who you are, everything. I stayed quiet again. Please, show me a memory. I know you hide them. Show me one. A good one. He said. I stayed quiet again before shoving an image towards him. It was of my mother and me.

My mother shouted at me to come to her. I did. She pulled me up onto her lap and grabbed both my hands. Her smile was contagious, intoxicating. She opened my palms and placed her hands on the back of my hands, my palm facing up. I asked her what she was doing. She told me today was her former mate's birthday. She asked me to make a flower for her. I asked her what flower. An Andaras herb, she told me. Little me stuck out my tongue as I focused on my hands to make a gorgeous and large deep blue Andaras appear. My mother smiled brightly. She complimented me. I asked her what it did. She told me it can be used as a pain stifler in small doses.

The memory moved forward a couple of years. She was lying in her room covered in blood and crying. Little me ran to her and cried with her. I asked her what was wrong but she didn't answer. I told her I was going to get a healer but she stopped me. She grabbed my hands and asked for an Andaras flower. I made the flower appear with half a thought and a small smile appeared on her lips. She looked into my eyes and said she was going to return to her mate. I was confused because my father was supposedly her mate. My mother shook her head and said that he had killed him and forced her into marriage to gain her power.

She tightened her grip on my hand. I immediately made a small glass of water appear and crushed the Andaras with my magic before sprinkling it into the water. I handed her the cup. I told her to drink. She did and I knew the pain would fade. She looked at me with her ice blue eyes and smiled. She reached for my head and placed a kiss on my forehead. She said her lasts words to me: A mate is not something you choose, but someone who is destined to be with you. Do not let your father find your mate. Keep them safe, because I couldn't do it.

Your mother seems lovely. He said into my mind. I only stared at him.

She was. I said quietly. He took a step towards me. Not in my mind but physically. I tried focusing on him in real life but he poked at my mind to keep me there. I was frozen in place and he continued to advance. What are you doing? I asked distressed.

Your father killed your mother's mate? He said more of a statement than a question.

Yes. I said.

Did you ever meet her mate?

No, he was killed before I was born. But my mother loved him deeply. That's why my father killed her and wanted her to die in pain. Because she never learned to love him. I was scared. I didn't want her to, so I gave her the only tonic I knew. Her mate was called Andreas. He was named after the plant. It also happened to be his favourite one. I didn't understand when she had first requested it, but she told me later on. She would never not love him. She told me to never tell my father about a mate, if I ever had one.

Your father is no longer here. He said cutting me off. I stayed quiet for a moment. Nalé. He said, pulling my attention to him. Will you be my mate? I was quiet for a moment. I could sense the nerves radiating off him and his shadows. I nodded ever so slightly, so carefully. He noticed though because he slipped out of my mind and the second he was gone I realised he was standing right in front of me. Before I could take a step back he placed a hand under my chin. He lifted it and leaned down. My heartbeat spiked as the realisation came over me what he was doing. Before I could react he had placed a gentle kiss on my lips. It was gentle and his lips were indeed as soft as I had imagined. I leaned into the touch without realising. He pulled away a moment later and winnowed us to his room.

My eyes were locked on his. His thumb brushed against my cheek and my breathing became heavier. I slipped into his mind. Mor's going to kill me, isn't she? I asked. He smiled.

Most definitely. He replied. Don't worry. She won't get near you. I smiled at him.

Don't you dare start being territorial over me! He chuckled. I can take care of myself perfectly fine.

Oh really? Even when I do this? And before I could react his hands grabbed my hips gently and his lips grazed mine. He placed a gentle kiss before dragging his mouth down my jaw to my neck. A small whimper escaped my lips at the movement which caused him to smirk. He dragged his nose across my neck. I think I've trapped you Nalé. He mumbled against my skin. I grabbed his arms firmly at his movements. He lifted his head and smirked at me. I composed myself quickly and glared at him.

How dare you! I accused. He chuckled.

Oh, I dare. He said smirking. Suddenly the door burst open and Mor stood at the entrance. Azriel turned to look at her. She ignored his glare and walked straight towards me. She stopped directly in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" she spat. I just glared at her.

"I could ask you the same question," I replied calmly.

"Excuse me? I live here!" she blurted. I shrugged and looked around.

"I'm pretty sure this is Azriel's living space so no, no you don't," I said to her. Her nostrils flared.

"If you hurt him-"

"He's my mate," I cut her off. Her face tightened. "I wouldn't hurt him." She glanced at Azriel and then looked back at me.

"I hold you to your word," she said bitterly before turning on her heel and walking out. I smirked.


Mor stormed through the living room and slumped into her usual spot. I raised an eyebrow. "Was he there?" I asked her.

"Yeah, with her," Mor said.

"Mor," Rhys warned. Mor looked at him before diverting her eyes again.

"You should be happy for him," I said gently. She stared at me. "He's been trying to get to you for the last 500 years. And you won't accept him 'cause you're into girls. Why can't he find someone else?" She sighed.

"I don't know. It just feels- weird. He'll not constantly be worrying about me and looking out for me-" I cut her off at her claim.

"Really? That's what you think? Mor if he loves Nalé, you'll become like a sister probably. He'll still care and look out for you. He's never going to stop," I said, placing a hand on her leg. Rhys nodded in agreement.

"If he forgives you that is," Cass said from his lounging position on the sofa. Mor glared at him.

"There's only one way to find out," I suggested. Mor sighed and nodded.

"I'll apologise."

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