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Hey everyone.  Thank you for choosing to read my book, this is my first book so like go easy on me plz☺️

Just a quick disclaimer, if there are spelling or grammatical errors in my story then plz just like ignore it ok I will try my best to fix it but like I'm only human(and dyslexic) so like i would appreciate if you could cut me some slack.

Anyway i really hope you enjoy my story and I'm going to shut up now. Byee.


Asher Greyson's POV:

Hi, my name is Asher Grayson. I have short brown wavy hair and the weirdest eyes, one it bright blue while the other i turquoise greenish but its only noticeable for you look closely enough, I'm 4'8, i know I'm short but hey there's nothing I can do about that.

And this is my fudged up mess of a life.

It all started three years ago, when i had a life worth living. I lived by the coast line in California with my family, My mum and dad and my older brother by two years, Zak. And life was honestly great, my mum was the most beautiful, courageous, exiting person to ever walk the planet, and so she always got us to experience life to the fullest. She got me into surfing and sailing which became my passion and love as well as hers. And dad was always proud of every thing i did. He wasn't has outgoing as mum but they he would come to all of my tournaments and help me practice, he told me that he was so proud of me, if one day when I'm older I'm and I breach the world record he would feel that same pride he did every day since the day i was born.

Mum and Dad had the most cliches love story of a bad boy who fell for the good girl in the corner of the room. They would tell us that he used to be part of a gang back in his old town, his dad was part of it too, as well his dad before him. But when he met my mother he left his whole life and every thing he knew for her, and they moved here to have us. But not all love story's with a happy ending, stay happy.

I had just turned 13 when life crumbled before my eyes. I alway knew i was gay, it was no shocker to me. But when i came out it wasn't the best idea.

Dad went ballistic, he hated me just like that, on the spot. My mother tried to calm him down saying that it doesn't change me, and that i was still his son. I remember her practically begging him to see that i was still the boy he was so proud of. He didn't give in to her pleads though.

He had never hit me before, he never once layed a finger on me. I still feel the sting and burn across my cheek from that very moment, and let me tell you that nothing in my life has ever or will ever be as painful as that. Not just because he physically hurt me but because of the utter betrayal i felt, i felt like my life had just come crashing right down on top of me, forcing m to try and hold it up before it squashes me under it. That pain hasn't left me since.

My mother instantly made the decision that i had to leave for a while to let him cool off for a bit, she promised me that he would get better and one day except me for me. She told me to pack some things we were going on a little trip, just the two of us. My brother decided to stay with dad to try win him over.

She took me to the docks and rented a sail boat with out a word and we set sail. I had no idea where we were going or why we were going sailing now of all time.

"because my baby, i wanted you to see that this world is a beautiful place, and i want you to realise that no matter what happens in life, no matter who comes in your way you have to embrace it with open arms. This world has no idea how lucky it is to have and Asher Greyson living in it. So you cant give up on it."

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