#25: Beyond the Horizon

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There are tons of mysteries in life and every day could be an opportunity to figure them out. 


The place was already devoured by darkness. Eleanor held on to the crystal torch and saw Levi leaning on the tree trunk. The illumination gave way to sketch Levi like a masterpiece painted on a canvass. As soon as Levi shifted her direction Eleanor, the lady nearly dropped her torch but her other hand caught it. "Your reflexes improved", Levi commended. "You will be riding next to me so make sure you make proper use of it", Levi stood properly. "I also evaded a titan attack a while ago. I was quite amazed I made a move like that", Eleanor sounded childish. Levi went close to her. "Ah, it's not that it I'm having fun", Eleanor shook her head. "Keep moving like that then. We still have a long way before we reach the other side" Levi patted her head. The lady gulped and allowed Levi's strong hands to land on her hair. 

"Am I going to die, sooner than I expected?", she had a confused look with the contradiction of how she viewed Levi before. Though she wasn't a huge fan of knowing more about the man, Hange and the rest of the Scouts found themselves uttering their respect to the Captain. He cared for his squad and also give subtle acts of paying respect for his dead comrades. 

They slowly climbed down the tree. She untied her horse and saw Levi climbing his already. "Captain, how do you imagine the ocean would be?", Eleanor started a conversation with him. "Armin said it a place filled with a large amount of water", Levi answered then led the group to continue the mission. Eleanor looked around and saw some soldiers holding their torches and shaking in fear of a titan jumping from nowhere. Since the moon is also covered with clouds, the only source of light would be limited lighted torches enough to follow the track and avoid attracting titans. Even the blonde has her heart beating fast. "This is sickening. I feel like my head will get blown off anytime", she heard one of the soldier comments. She had the same thing in mind but didn't bother verbalizing it. 

"Stop", Levi halted and saw a titan eating someone in the middle of their path. "Mance", one of the female soldiers covered her mouth. Levi saw that his eyes are still wide open. "Captain Levi", the soldier named Mance looked at him. "It's abnormal", Levi informed preparing to slash off its nape. "A letter from Commander Hange", Mance reached out a letter before the titan swallowed him whole. "You bastard!", the female soldier charged having her get caught by the titan. She was ripped into half and the scenario alarmed the rest of the soldier. "Calm down", Eleanor saw how they armed themselves and some torches also fell on the ground. She picked up the torch and passed it to the other soldier. 

"If we cause a commotion here, we will waste the Commander's plan to avoid battle during the night. If we fight here, I don't think we can continue on with the mission", Eleanor calmly explained and it somehow convinced the soldiers to breathe in and proceed with riding their horses as quietly as they could. 

They were able to get past the forest. Eleanor looked back and saw the relief from the soldiers' faces. The one who died could have been a lover, a friend, a son, or even a loyal soldier who volunteered to be the one who'd deliver the letter to Levi in order to spare the other soldier cowering in fear. She looked forward and saw a silhouette of Levi holding tight on the letter that he already read. If one has the capability to the that strong and take down something that is 10 times taller than him, how assuring could that be? But then, even the second strongest soldier next to Levi, Miche, was chomped to death with him crying out with the unbearable pain of being torn apart. Eleanor held on to her chest remember how the report said he died alone letting the rest of the Survey Corps escape. 

"Miles", someone repeated for the third time. Levi lowered his pace and matched Eleanor who was lost in her thoughts. Levi slapped the letter he rolled in her head. "Hange draw a route they were able to secure. She wanted you to join the middle group. She calculated that it would be safe for you to join them", Levi informed. "Is that so?", Eleanor sounded a little disappointed as she looked up to Levi and glance into his calm expression. She looked down at the horse's rope. "If I would go alone, the mission will fail. If you will assign people to accompany me, they might die on my behalf", Eleanor's eyes became weak and at the brink of closing. "Whatever your decision will be, there's no telling what could happen", Levi knew that even if you trust on your own strength or trust in your friends, things happen unexpectedly. "How many hours before we separate paths?", Eleanor held tight on her torch and increased the pace of her horse. "Half an hour,  if we cross the mountain", Levi informed. 

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