#11: Anger

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I was able to save a soldier's life. 

Not just once, I save his life twice. 

I guess that's enough. 

I did my part

Her tired eyes started to surrender to fatigue. Her arm broke when she was smashed on the wall and debris of rock hit her leg when she tried to get down as Jean instructed. Even if she gets up, she won't be able to run away from a titan. If she plays dead, maybe titans will ignore her.

I will find him.

Eleanor's feet decided to stand on their own even without enough will from their owner. Though her mind was weak and on the brink of giving up, her body remembers the oath she left.

Wobbling, she gave some time for her body to balance itself. She saw that her 3d maneuvering gear is still in a good shape. For a while, she tried to understand her location. She looked behind and saw the block that fell. She walked closer and looked up. She fell on her knees as soon as she saw the crushed body in the middle. Though she can no longer determine who it was, her being spelled who it could be. The courage she managed to earn suddenly dropped to zero.

"It's all your fault", she muttered also confused as to whom they are for. "Big Sis", she heard a voice. The spectacle lad went down to check on her. "It's not safe here. Are you the only one left?", Noah looked around and confirmed his statement. "Two titans coming straight", one of the squad informed. "I'll manage to cut its nape. Assist me", Harry, a long curly-haired new recruit looked at a female soldier with dark brown hair. "Make sure you don't get close to its face", Aileen warned. "It might tilt its head and chop off your head", she said with an image already playing on her mind. Three more new recruits assisted.

Noah saw the blank stares from Eleanor. "There are three injured in my squad. I am hoping you could do something about it", Noah said with a weak voice.

Who will stitch their wounds?

Eleanor went back right ahead and used Noah's arm as her support to stand properly. "I can't feel my legs but I'm sure they're just fine. Please, do me a favor", Eleanor looked at Noah's blade. She explained things to Noah and nodded hesitantly. "I broke my dominant arm. I need to regain my ability to walk so I need you to cut some part to make it bleed", Eleanor placed a handkerchief on her mouth. Two titans dropped dead on the ground. Noah assisted Eleanor towards the soldiers. Eleanor examined their wounds. "They will still make it. I'll just stop the bleeding but it needs to be quick", Eleanor pressed their wounds and put dressing.

Top of the Walls

Armin, Mikasa, and Eren climbed up the walls and saw the remnants of the failed operation.

"There are still some soldiers coming back. Without the supplies, there's a low percentage of succeeding", Armin looked at the blood-stained buildings.

"Commander Hange needs to face the court if this is the case. It's bearable to face the wall. What I am worried about would be the people lined up in the street once we get back", Armin closed his eyes.

Hange finally arrived with Levi behind. "I admit. This operation is a failure but not everything is lost", Hange showed a kit of titan injection with its box, liquid container, and injection. "There's a huge increase in number since the last time we made our inspection here", Hange closed the kit. "You mean, the beast titan is still lurking around?", Armin deducted. "That is possible", Hange looked past Wall Maria.

Armin looked around saw different looks on their faces. They were probably the same when they first had their mission outside the walls. Some soldiers knelt in front of Hange. "We cannot do it anymore, Commander. Kill us if you want but we can no longer do this", they grabbed on her boots and hugged them. "Please, if the Garrison or Military police knows about us, they will not accept trashes as we are", the soldiers cried. Hange withdrew her leg and looked at their faces. "If that's the first thing you have to say, why don't you look at the faces of your fallen comrades and begged for their forgiveness?", Hange sounded calm but her expression shown how mad she was although she cannot out her blame on the new recruits. She felt dreadful. She knew it wasn't a good decision to let the new recruits face reality too fast.

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