#06: Warmth

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Training Corps Headquarter

Dylan and Eleanor walk side by side. The man stopped as soon as he saw the aspiring cadets having one-on-one combat. "Can I do that as well?", Dylan placed his hand on his chin. "If you could, are you going to join them instead?", Eleanor asked with a curious tone. Dylan chuckled and looked at Eleanor from head to toe. "You're just different to look at now", he teasingly laughed at her. The lady who usually wore a hospital uniform is now dressed in tight white pants and, light-colored shirt topped with a short brown jacket. She also has to wear knee-high leather boots. 

"You're no longer a play doll", Dylan ceased the laughter and held to her shoulder. "Shane would be jealous if I spend all my time with you so I'll excuse myself", the man scurried off and flirt with another female trainee. "You can kick his face anytime you want. There's no rule that prohibits you from kicking an idiot in the face", a tall raven blonde woman appeared from behind Eleanor. "Thank you for the suggestion", Eleanor had a short laugh. 

"Two more months. I'm not the kind of person who keeps track of time but I just want this to end", Ava sat on the grass surrounded by white wildflowers. "Just look at these once smooth hands, they're already filled with callouses from trying to maneuver that stupid machine", she clicked her tongue. "Same here. I think my hair is also drying out. I think I'll cut them shorter", Eleanor sighed. Ava grabbed on her cheek and made the petite face her squarely. "A woman's hair is her treasure. We'll just be out of the expedition thrice then we'll get back to our normal lives", Ava shook her head violently hoping it would convince the lady. "But are we sure it'll only last for three expeditions?", Eleanor looked at the grass and started uprooting them. 

"Hospitals gather a large number of apprentices every year. That's why there will always be a replacement after we leave this filthy camp", Ava lets go of Eleanor's famished face. Eleanor saw a beaming hope in Ava's eyes. "You sound so positive", she commented. "Of course, I will get married as soon as we are relieved from this mission", Ava giggled. Eleanor's heart suddenly beat faster. Without an explanation, she felt extreme fear in the midst of Ava's cheerful words. Ava saw the flowers and twisted the stem to make a crown. Ava noticed the shortness of her breath. "Do you have a lover back home as well, young Ellie?", Ava placed it on top of her head entangling with some golden strands. Eleanor shook her head. "But I would definitely go back to my family", she grabbed on Ava's arm with her eyes wide open. Ava gave a weak smile and nodded. "We will and those who are with us. We will come back to our loved ones", Ava cupped her face. 

"I haven't yet told you the reason why I am here, right?", Ava stretched her limbs. Eleanor admitted that she felt intimidated by the woman when they first met. They saw Iris passing by. "Hey, come here", Ava called the straight-faced lady. Eleanor never saw her smile, even once. Iris sighed and walked towards the two sitting on the grassy plains. "Commander will scold us if he sees us lazying around", Iris twitched her eye when he saw the flowers held by Ava. "Let's just have a girly talk", Ava grabbed on her hand making her sit with them as well. "I just told Eleanor that I'll get married right after we come back", Ava's word made Iris choke. She coughed and look at Ava with a surprised look. "Then, why are you here?", she furrowed her brow. "I was also about to tell Eleanor", Ava winked at the confused lady. 

Ava put her hands on the ground and arched her back to look at the sky. "I just can't disappoint those that had faith in me. You see, I'm the genius in our hospital. I'm such an idiot, right?", she was waiting for a response. "You're amazing, Ava", Eleanor pulled her legs together. Iris clicked her tongue and looked at the sky as well. "Compared to me who just wanted to act like a hero", Eleanor had a painful laugh. The two older women kept silent without reacting. "Because I saw the terrified look on my fellow nurses' eyes, I felt like if I raise my hand, I would become a hero that would take away those look in their eyes", Eleanor pulled her legs closer to her chest. 

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