#09: Impulsiveness

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"Ellie, we're moving". 

Eleanor opened her eyes and saw the lady with a worried look in her eyes. She could see the sun rays peeking from the holes of the building walls. "We're moving just as how we were oriented to", Shane reached out to the lady lying down the floor. She can hear footsteps from the outside. 

The two of them stepped out towards the corridor where the soldiers are being handed rations. She saw the Scouts who were present last night and felt discomforted by their long stares. "I couldn't disagree and agree with what you said. You just told Captain your thoughts", Jean waved at the lady and patted her shoulder. "When was the last time we saw someone making Captain that mad", Connie scratched his nape. Eleanor remembered the horror from Levi's glare. Remembering it made her feel like throwing up. "You look pale, did something happen?", Dylan approached them with the two other nurses behind him. 

"How about Janus? He can't continue with the mission with his leg just amputated", Shane said with a worried look. "He'll be riding the cart with the supplies. He'll be safe", Eleanor tried to convince even herself that the cleansing will be done without any further casualties. "We'll be in different groups later. We're just waiting for the Commander's go-signal", Jenos individually checked on the expressions painted on the faces of his comrades. "Dylan, you're sure more attentive this time. I was actually worried you'd be confident and all. Shane, I heard you assisted Eleanor last night. Ava, you're more fidgety than ever", Jenos noticed. Eleanor was waiting for him to comment about what kind of face she is making. "The two of you are surprisingly the same", Jenos turned to Iris. 

"Naturally, my resolve won't even after seeing that humungous beast", Iris said with a firm voice. "Iris, you're amazing", Eleanor praised and make a short chuckle. Dylan was curious about Eleanor's reaction and smirked. "Don't tell me you're not getting interested with me because you prefer a woman", Dylan hangs his arms around Eleanor. "Huh? Stop messing around", Eleanor tried to get off from the man. The higher-up walked past through them and they all stood straight. "You're pure, Iris. I wonder if I could also be like you", Eleanor's eyes were focused on the wings of freedom embroidered in Hange's cloak. 

After final words from Hange and the other Scouts, they were sent off to do the formation.

East Side
"Are you ready to see them?", Hange while riding her horse.

Shane looked at Eleanor with a horrified look on her face. She reached out to her shaking hand. "I'll always be by your side", Eleanor assured. A huge figure suddenly peeked from the tall building. "Don't be shy. Come on. Show yourself", Hange invited. The view of humans excited the titan and started to run towards them. "Prepare to engage in battle", Hange raised her sword. The newbies were taken back but the look on their superior's eyes gave them the assurance that the battle is already won. They charged following after Hange and the front liners.

The center formation will be taking care of the cart with their supplies carried. Eleanor looked behind and saw some soldiers being stomped to death or either being swallowed then crushed in between those enormous teeth. "Keep looking forward", Janus noticed her. "Commander, there are 5 abnormals heading towards the center", a soldier informed. "They will not bite our bait for them to get closer to the walls. Let Levi and Mikasa handle them. Fire the gun", Hange looked behind a new recruit. He panicked and dropped the bullet powder. Hange face-palmed and looked at another one. He got what she meant by her look and fire the gun letting out black smoke to inform the Scouts of a nearby abnormal.

As soon as the open sky had black smoke,  more black smoke appeared. "That's a lot. When we came looking around, there weren't much of Abnormals. Could it be that there is a hole we weren't able to close?", Hange furrowed her brow. She knew it wasn't possible. They had a small scale expedition beforehand to minimize further loss. The priority mission the previous months were to close the damaged gates and see if there are still holes. 

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