#22: Gratitude

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Eleanor's Room

The group was startled to see that the hole had already been opened. They peeked and saw stairs leading down. Eren started heading down. "Don't go ahead of us", Mikasa followed right away. "These brats have no sense of danger, don't they?", Hange face-palmed. Armin looked at Aiden. 

"Aiden, what can you say about this family?", Armin asked stopping the second man in command to follow after the three. Hange and Levi waited for his answer. "They're the only ones I am left with. Sir Miles, generously gave me and my mother a roof over our head. That's why when he started running away, I couldn't move my feet or even my hand to grab the culprit who was just a few inches away from me", Aiden pressed his lips together. "Can you still point your sword on him even after all that happened? We lost promising soldiers because of their scheme", Levi stepped towards the entrance. "I am a soldier. I once ran away from a responsibility placed on my shoulder. If I run away again this time, I will spend another 5 years to regain my confidence in myself. I will convince myself once more that I am still worth living this useless life of mine", Aiden closed his eyes. 

"According to a doctor from where Eleanor worked before, she had flashes of memories causing her headache. Does it happen when you're with her?", Armin asked. Aiden opened his eyes right away on the mention of her name. "Hey, why are you bringing her up again this time?", Aiden furrowed his brow. They heard a gunshot coming from below. They ran before something else happen. 


While the group is discussing upstairs, Eren and Mikasa already went down followed by Connie, Jean, and Sasha. They finally can see a figure of a person. They squinted their eyes to adjust to the looming darkness. "It's Elean-", Jean stopped when another figure emerged after the torch they held lightened the dark place. They have their mouth gaping except for Eren who seemed to understand the situation. The lady stands in front of Rex's dead body holding a bloody knife. Eleanor looked at the group with a nervous expression. 

"I guess the game is already over", she said with a sarcastic tone. "Eleanor, you-", Jean's blood boiled looking at the sinister smile she had. Eren placed a poker face and walked towards her. "Don't come near me", Eleanor raised a gun she got from the training camp. Mikasa raised her blades but Eren blocker her with his hand. "Are you going to soil your hands more than it already is?", Eren said with his face full of rage. "Stop doing this Eleanor. With what you are doing, you're just making us think that you're betraying us...again", Connie tried to make sense of what is happening in front of them. 

"The military police will be here soon. Just put the gun down and let us handle it from here", Sasha convinced reaching her hand. Eleanor looked at it longingly. "I already broke your trust a couple of times. Why do you still want to believe in me?", Eleanor shot the gun and Mikasa rushed to pin her on the wall. Eleanor felt the impact of her face pushed against the cold cement. "Do you know how many people died during the last expedition?", Mikasa pushed her more. Jean was just glued on his spot hoping that a miracle would happen and will prove Eleanor's innocence once more. He's tired of all the betrayals. 

"Open her mouth", Eren instructed Mikasa. Armin and the rest caught up. Aiden was shocked by the view of a dead Rex and a pinned Eleanor. "What are you doing with her?", Aiden protested. "What did we say about fulfilling our roles as a soldier?", Levi reminded. Armin stepped forward carrying a leaf. Aiden recognized that it was the herb that Hazel grows in the garden. "Do you know what this is?", Armin asked. Eleanor didn't talk. Mikasa opened her mouth wide. She struggled but Mikasa is way stronger than she is. "We were told that you use this to make spices but the thing is, you're the only one allowed to eat it", Armin felt bad shoving the herb in her mouth. Mikasa closed it right away. Eleanor was forced to swallow it. After a while, she threw up. Armin and Hange's eyes widened. "Arrest her, right now!", Hange shouted. 

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