#04: The Sound

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Miles Barn House

Two days of the break was spent being grounded within their hectares of land. It was sufficient for her to reflect on her impulsive decision. "How long would those people be staying Underground?", she pressed her lips together. "You're asking the wrong person", Cora shrugged her shoulders. 

"I hope you're not mad at me", Cora cowered her head while fixing the pile of hay. "Don't worry about that. It was my fault in the first place", Eleanor massaged her temple. The pigs are suddenly making snorting sounds. "Oh, are you guys hungry already?", Eleanor excitedly asked. "Whenever they hear your voice, they seemed to know that they're going to fed right away", Cora sighed and watched her young lady talking to the intellectual creature. "Lady Ellie, I heard you went down the Underground", a panting old man leaned on the door of the barn. "Mr. Rozen", Eleanor's heart skipped as soon as she heard his voice. Though she knew she'll undergo another lecture, she's just warmed to know so many people caring for her. 

"So, how does it look like?", Rozen shook in fear. If not because of Rex, he would also be thrown in an unbearable place where the sun cannot reach. "It's dreadful. People are decaying while they're still alive", Eleanor remembered the rotting flesh of the people leaning on the walls. "When Bella heard about that, she went hysterical. For years, she finally responded. Would you like to visit her, even just for a moment?", Rozen bowed his head very low. Cora shot a glare at the old man sending off the meaning that she's not approving of the said act. 

Moving towards the door, Eleanor's heart beat irregularly. "I'll be accompanying her, then", Cora raised her hand. "You just wanted to skip some work here", Rozen nodded and gave a gentle smile to send off Eleanor in another tough battle. 

The two ladies walked past the green fields. "Carrot this year", Cora walked behind the blonde woman. "What will you tell her this time?", Cora gave a lazy toned question. She wasn't expecting an answer but she wanted Eleanor to at least be prepared and not say anything triggering again. "The last time I visited her, she just gave a weak smile when I narrated some stories of me and Aiden", Eleanor opened. "Soon, I will run out of memory from my childish and small thrilling days with Aiden", Eleanor looks straight and could already catch a glimpse of a small hut that her father built for Belladonna and Aiden to take shelter in. Walking the same path gave her a nostalgic feeling. "Say, Cora. Your brother was from...that military department", Eleanor had not found the resolve to say that organization's name. 

"Survey Cops?", Cora said without reservation. "I never asked more about him. I only saw him once", Eleanor finally had the guts to ask. It wasn't that she never had the time. "During his first time to join the expedition, did he also-", Eleanor felt her tongue curling back. The auburn head stopped walking and looked at the plain green fields. "He was able to come back. It happened that they were in charge of protecting their carts. During expeditions, the soldiers would be deployed in different wings to follow certain functions. In the center of the formation, the cart would be protected no matter what. It contained their supply. Because of that, my brother wasn't exposed to the battle", Cora talked with a dead expression on her face. "How did you know about all of these things?", Eleanor turned to face her. "I read the notes he left. Did you know? When you get the highest grade in the military training, you get to choose where you will be serving. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to enter the top 10", Cora added. 

" For some reason, he was convinced that his life is better used if he joined the Survey Corps", Cora's voice shook. Eleanor grabbed her cold hands and held them tightly. "It's enough. Thank you very much", Eleanor shook her head. "When he came back home after training, he lied to our parents about entering the Military Police- trainees paradise", Cora continued looking down on Eleanor's lowly bowed head. "When I sneak out to send my brother off, my heart broke to see him for the last time. Riding that horse, with people surrounding them, there wasn't even a single cheer. Chatters are buzzing all around creating the worst atmosphere before the gate opens. At the same time, if few of them comes back, there are no heroes welcome", Cora fell on the ground covering her face. "So, Lady Ellie. That organization that you hated the most, didn't they receive their punishment a long time ago?", Cora's calm and slightly sarcastic demeanor suddenly changed into a vulnerable creature. Eleanor breathed deeply and turned to face the other side. 


She ran towards the hut and held unto the doorknob. She opened it right away. Upon entering, she heard the painful cough. One more step and she caught a glimpse of the sick woman just looking outside the window. The hot soup was still left untouched on the table next to the bed. "That's not good, Aunt Bella. You should take good care of yourself. If Aiden comes back home and saw your frail body, he'll be scolding you and also us", Eleanor sat on the chair next to the bed. She took the bowl of soup and scooped a handful raising it below Belledona's mouth. She's back to how Eleanor saw her after their rescue at the underground. For some reason, Rex was asked by the former King to visit the dreadful place. 

There was no response. Her once bubbly aura was replaced by hopelessness. Five years passed by when she last saw the only family she had. The waving of his hand was still marked on her mind. She could still her son's free laughter while playing with a younger lady. They never knew happiness until Rex took them out from the dark pit. Eleanor felt heavy on her arm so she rested it for a while. She looked around and saw a pile of books she used to tutor Aiden to read and write. 

Why do I have to write neatly? It's not that we're holding a pen. We're going to hold swords most of the time. 

You don't know when it will come in handy!

She felt her eyes warming up. Recalling what Cora just said made her chest feel tight. For five years, it was as if she's the only one convinced with all her heart that someone is coming back. She was still expecting to hear him brag about his mighty acts. If he was just in the Military Police as he once said, why is it that he never came back home?

With no warning, she saw drops of water on her dress. The next thing she was aware of was the sound of sobs echoing in the small hut. Though she grew taller for some inches, though she knew more than what she usually did, though she already grew older, though she already saw many lives perish, though many years passed, she was still the fragile hearted child who cannot bat her eyes away from what is already in front of her. "Aunt Bella, please don't be like that. I no longer had someone to share this dream of mine. If you succumbed to deeper loneliness, I feel like I'd be the only one left waiting", Eleanor covered her face. 

Hearing the young lady's cries, something pulled her back to reality. "You had all the time to cry for five years, why just now?". 

Eleanor's eyes widened still with her face burrowed on tiny palms. Listening to the faint voice made her face lit up a little bit. Slowly, she removed her hands blocking the view. Her ocean-blue eyes met with brown eyes just like Aiden's. "Because if I cry, it is as if I am giving up", Eleanor answered. "Then, does that mean you are giving up now?", Belladona's face was calm and composed. Eleanor bit her lip and shook her head violently. Her head dropped on the woman's lap. "Tell me, Lady Ellie. Why do you believe so much that he's still alive? We haven't seen him for years", Belladona's expression became bitter.

Eleanor wiped her tears and breathed deeply. 

"Aunt. Can you see the wind?", Eleanor went on with all the questions. 

"Then why do you believe in them?", Eleanor stood properly and bowed very low. "I will find him and drag that blockhead in front of you", Eleanor held unto her chest. Belladonna tried to reach her. "That's wrong, Aiden", Belladona had a slight smile on her face. She held unto Eleanor's hand and curled it to make a close fist and positioned it to her chest. "Now say it", Belladonna smiled again. Eleanor's mouth was tight, not wanting to utter any word. 

"Dedicate your heart", Belladonna's words made Eleanor's blood boil.

Those very words were like three daggers continuously stabbing her heart. How many lives were taken because of those three words? How many tears were shed because of those statements? 

Her mind was filled with the moments the soldiers will fall one by one with those very words being whispered to them. She remembered a blonde man wearing a green cloak with embroidery of two wings intertwining each other. In her vision, she could see him standing at the pile of bodies. Under his feet would be his comrades, the ones he shared laughter and loneliness. 

Chapter end.

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