Suddenly it took the shape of Dumbledore and came for me. I jumped back, screaming just as it dissipated and was gone.

Security measures. Smart.

I opened the bag and shoved my hand to the bottom, searching for my wand. Luckily it was easy to find. Closing the bag, I slowly walked down the foyer, keeping my wand up and listening closely. The silence was almost deafening and I hated how hard my blood was pumping in my ears.

I looked around and let out a breath of relief. I was alone. Truly alone.

The front door opened and I quickly slid behind the nearest wall. Maybe I wasn't as alone as I thought.

The same wind picked up and somebody screamed. A girl. She was familiar but I didn't trust my own mind. The hallway was long and someone else spoke. There was more than one but they were too far for me to hear clearly. Something clanged and I clenched my wand.

"Homenum Revelio."

I sucked in a sharp breath and came out from hiding. No matter how far away she was, I recognized Hermione immediately.

"Cora?" She breathed.

"Thank Merlin."

The relief washed over me so intensely, my whole body went limp. I hit the floor, the world spinning and going hazy around me. Hermione was suddenly over me and right there with her was Ron and Harry.

I was able to succumb to the darkness knowing I wasn't alone at all.


Pain. It was always the first thing I felt waking up. My head, my stomach, my arms and legs. It never left and it never surprised me. Sitting up, I realized I was on a couch and across from me, Hermione laid on the other one. Harry and Ron had the floor and Ron and Hermione's hands were close to touching.

It wasn't a dream.

I pushed the blankets off me and looked down, seeing I was in new clothes. Jeans and oversized black jumper. Hermione knew me. I carefully stood up, dodging Harry and wandering into the kitchen. The house was a mess but it felt a lot more homey than most. Especially mine.

I traced my hand along the table and walked to the other side, searching for anything to drink. I was thirsty and didn't know if Draco packed me any water.

"You're alive."

I turned around and there on the other side of the table was Harry. All that time apart did him nicely. His jaw was more angular and his hair wasn't as messy but still a little wild. He just woke up as well, so I guessed that was a reason too.

"If you can call it that." I replied, my voice cracking.

"After everything... I never thought I would see you again." Harry said.

"Me neither." It came out as a whisper as my eyes watered. They had been doing that a lot lately.

"What did they do to you?" Harry breathed.

I shook my head. "Doesn't matter. I'm out and I'm... safe."

Harry nodded and rounded the table slowly. I hadn't been hugged in months and I hadn't had a soft touch in the same amount of time. Just the thought of Harry's hands on me almost made me pass out again. I held out my hand to stop him but it just shook. I didn't know if I could handle it.

Harry stopped and looked at my shaking hand before taking another step and let it touch his chest. I breathed in sharp and looked into his eyes. He gently pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and cupped my cheek, forcing me to keep my eyes on him.

ESTRANGED • The Final InstallmentWhere stories live. Discover now