Chapter 24: Halloween

Start from the beginning

Everyone was stunned into silence. 

Nancy smiled, seemingly reveling in the attention. "Good afternoon, Goode High students, I have an announcement to make."

Beside Jason, Drew looked so angry, a blazing fire burning in those dark eyes. 

"My name is Nancy Bobofit, if you don't know me. Once upon a time, I was a girl with dreams. But what am I today?" Nancy put a hand on her hip. 

"A bully!" someone shouted. 

"A [insert swearword here] [insert swearword here] sometimes."

More people shouted slander.

"Exactly!" Nancy yelled. "We would rather fight against each other, we would rather be mean to each other than utter a single nice word." 

Well, that actually was true. Looking out into the sea of faces, Jason didn't know most of them. Despite them all being high schoolers, well, they were strangers. 

"And do you know why?"

"We [insert swearword here] grew up!" Drew said, standing up. 

Everyone gasped. Jason would have thought it was funny if it wasn't so true.

Nancy smiled bitterly. "No. But thank you Drew, for your lovely contribution. We didn't grow up. Drew, right here, has incited all of this. She made our friend groups. She divided us. She bullied us. She made me who I am, today. But she can't anymore."

She pulled out a gun from the folds of her pink skirt. Everyone scrambled back to get away from her, but the doors were locked. Jason put his hand over his gun, which he'd luckily remembered to bring. He met Piper's eyes, who's hand was also on her knife. Pretty much all the Olympian kids were holding their respective.

Chiron was trying to convince Nancy to drop the gun, but Nancy aimed the gun at him, forcing him to back away. "The thing is, you all deserve to die. I am cleaning the world of earthly scum."

She raised the gun and started to point it at the crowds. Screams erupted and Jason looked to Annabeth who gave him a countdown. Three, two, one.

Jason and Percy both shot at Nancy, forcing her to duck, which gave Piper and Annabeth the cover to get nearer to her. Frank helped Chiron away, and Hazel started shooting at the doors, trying to unlock them. Beside her, Nico helped blast them open. But honestly, for some reason, the doors weren't opening. Piper leapt at Nancy, kicking at Nancy's legs and tripping her. Annabeth grabbed the gun, forcing Nancy to let go, but Nancy was quicker, grabbing the gun and holding it up to her head.

Nancy looked at all of them. Her expression was solemn and a tiny bit sad. "Remember earth.

The gunshot echoed through the gym and everybody fell silent. Nancy smiled one last time, then fell limp onto the stage, scarlet blood dribbling from her head. What a great start to Halloween. 


Piper's POV:

Piper was pissed. Okay, she wasn't just pissed, she was mad. And she had good reasons to be mad, thank you very much.

1. First, school happened. After everything on Sunday, Piper had felt pretty angry at Mrs. Grace herself. But, it wasn't her place to say anything, so she didn't shout at her like she wanted to, but rather just eavesdropped on Annabeth and Percy telling Thalia, who was embroiled in mid-terms at Oxford. Seriously, what was it with moms? 

Along with that, the globe didn't open. There was no way to open the stupid globe, so Piper wanted to crush it or cut it, but unfortunately, it was metal, and they didn't want to damage whatever was inside. So, no, instead they were stuck trying to find buttons. 

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