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Y/N's P.O.V.

Thor seemed to be in a much cheerier mood the next day at breakfast. I was not. I wasn't happy about leaving my home to go to Asgard, even though it meant going to Midgard shortly after.
I was wearing my armour, ready to leave for the other realms, knowing that with my magic, I didn't need to pack anything.

"So it's true? You're really going to Asgard?" I turned my head to face my older brother Lars, glaring at him slightly.

"Did you never learn to knock?" I mumbled bitterly, moving to the balcony attached to my bedroom.

"Nope." He came over and stood next to me.
"I know we're not exactly close anymore, but-"

"If you tell me to look after myself, I will kick your ass." I warned.
"You're not king yet, I can still legally do that." He only laughed at my warning.
"I'm serious."

"I know." I sighed, looking out across the realm.
"You shouldn't blame the Asgardians for what happened. I know you're still angry about it, I saw you glaring at Thor throughout breakfast."

"Who else am I supposed to blame?" I snapped at Lars and he shook his head.
"I only agreed to go with them because father is right. I need to know the realms equally, meaning I have to spend time on Midgard. None of the secret pathways out of Vanaheim lead to Midgard, only the Bifrost can take me."

"Just don't do anything reckless whilst you're there. Remember that you're going with two princes." He looked at me.
"The last thing we need is for you to start a war with Asgard, or Midgard."

"Yes, your majesty." I sarcastically mumbled.

"Sister." Lars warned me and I sighed, nodding my head.

"Everything will be fine. You don't need to worry, I don't plan on starting any wars." He pulled me into a hug suddenly and I cringed.

"I am going to miss you, Y/N. I wish you good luck on your time away from home." He spoke softly and for a few moments, I was reminded of centuries ago when I first left home to go to another realm. I was so scared. Lars said the exact same words, except we were a lot closer back then.
For a few moments, I hugged him back, missing the relationship we used to have.

"I should..." I cleared my throat as I stepped back.
"I should get going. Don't do anything too reckless to the realm whilst I'm gone. You know I hate cleaning up after you."

"I'll try." Lars grinned at me as we both left my room. I teleported to the palace gardens, where I agreed to meet Thor and he stumbled back at my sudden appearance.

"Princess Y/N! How good to see you again." He greeted with a wide grin.
"Are you ready to leave?"

"Of course. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." I sighed and his smile faltered slightly.

"My lady!" I turned my head to see Ivor coming towards me.
"I'm a little offended you didn't come to say goodbye." He grinned.

"I apologise, it's been a busy morning." I gave him a small smile. Usually, whenever I left for another realm, Ivor would come with me as an escort, but considering that I was going along with two Asgardian princes, my father had deemed it unnecessary for my friend to leave Vanaheim.

"I will miss you dearly, Y/N." Ivor smiled and he took my hand, before kissing my knuckles.
"Look after yourself on Midgard and especially on Asgard. I look forward to your return." He bowed his head, before looking at Thor.
"Your highness, please look after my Princess."

"Of course." Thor nodded and Ivor winked at me and I glared at him as he walked away.
"Your people are very informal when talking to you. 'My lady' isn't a common title for a Princess, if you don't mind me saying."

"I find formalities exhausting." I admitted.
"So do us both a favour and stop calling me Princess. Ivor only does it to irritate me and everyone else calls me lady, or simply Y/N."

"If you insist, Lady Y/N." The blond nodded.
"Then you may call me Thor. If I am not calling you by your title, then there's no needful you to call me by mine." I nodded my head and Thor adjusted his hold on Mjölnir.
"You may want to hold on. Travel by Bifrost can be quite an experience."

"No, thank you." I replied, trying to keep myself from sounding too bitter. Thor shrugged in response, before raising the hammer above our heads.

"Heimdall!" Bright light surrounded us as we were lifted off of the ground. It wasn't my first time travelling by Bifrost and I knew it wouldn't be my last, but the beautiful colours that surrounded us never failed to amaze me. I felt my feet touch the ground and I steadied myself instantly, looking around the bronze room.

"Welcome home, my prince." The golden-eyed man, who I instantly identified as Heimdall the gatekeeper, spoke, before looking at me.
"And welcome to Asgard, Princess Y/N."

"Thank you for the welcome, Heimdall." I spoke and he nodded his head.

"Where is Loki? My father said he'd be waiting here when I returned." Thor stepped forward, looking around.

"You were expected to return yesterday, but after I informed the king that Princess Y/N would be joining you on Midgard, he requested that he see you both." I clenched my jaw, trying, and failing, to hide my irritation. I didn't want to spend anymore time in Asgard than necessary and to find out I had to actually visit the Allfather in his stupid golden palace...

"Yes, of course." Thor nodded.

"Princess Y/N, I understand your frustration." Heimdall spoke as we moved towards the exit and Thor looked at me in confusion.
"However, I can personally assure you that what happened in Asgard all that time ago will not happen again."

"Thank you." I nodded my head before stepping out onto the rainbow bridge and finding two horses. Thor approached his and I moved towards the second one, before getting on its back in one smooth movement.

"Lady Y/N, may I ask what Heimdall was speaking of? And why your friend in Vanaheim told you to look after yourself'especially on Asgard'? Did something happen here?" He questioned and I looked at him momentarily.

"Yes." I nodded.
"Asgardians killed my mother."

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