Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 33: Jᴀɴᴇᴛ

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Time: 3:00 pm

"Janet you better not pull no stupid shit" I warned as I watched her spray herself with perfume.

"I'm not Michael, gotdamn," Janet said as she laughed.

This is NOT funny, Ion need my sister telling my girl all of my embarrassing shit.

"Good cause I'm not playing" I warned, sitting on the living room couch.

"Oh whatever"

"So what y'all finna do at the mall?" I asked her, she looked at me and gave me a 'duh' face.

"We're finna shop, eat, and have some fun, what else is there to do at a mall," she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone.

"Welp, I'm going to meet her there so, I'll see you later," She said coming close to me and hugging me.

"Alright bye"

"Bye," she said and I watched her leave.

I went to Lenny's contact and FaceTimed him.

"Hello," I said and I heard Lenny's voice ring through the phone.

"Yea wassup," he said looking at the camera.

"Janet just left to meet up with Jenassia" I sighed.

"Nigga, what you so worried about?" Lenny laughed.

"Don't try to fucking play me nigga, you know damn well you feeling the same way about Kacey meeting your siblings" I said making him mug the camera.

"This is about YOU, not ME" he yelled, making me chuckle.

"Don't lie, you know damn well" I said as I walked up to my room.

"I mean yea, my sisters don't fucking like people, and my brothers mean as fuck" he said making me nod.

Lenny's siblings are about rude as fuck, he has a younger sister, 3 older sisters, along with a little brother and 2 older brothers. So all in all he's like the middle child.

His younger sister's name is Kaylee, she's the meanest sister out of all of them. It might have to do with her age.

Then there is Talia, Talia is nice sometimes but she's mean to people she doesn't like or don't vibe right with her.

Then there is the second oldest sister, Malia. Malia is the responsible one and is very protective of Lenny.

The third oldest sister is Tiana Marie, she doesn't like people in general but once she's cool with you she's cool.

Lenny's brothers are as funny as he is. So you have Saint who is the first oldest.

Saint likes to be mean to people he just meets to annoy the shit out of them. Then there is the second oldest brother named Omar.

This nigga is funny as shit, but he doesn't play when it comes to his family.

And then you have the youngest brother Katari. Katari is bad as shit, he always getting in trouble in school.

So from order to youngest to oldest, it's Kaylee, Katari, Lenny, Tiana Marie, Talia, Omar, Malia, and Saint.

"I just hope Kacey, not gon fuck it up," Lenny said as he shook his head in the camera.

"What you mean?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"I mean, she's a great girl and all, trust and believe, but my siblings tend to run people away...I just hope that they like her that's all" Lenny said brushing his waves.

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