As we walked in my eyes glimpsed at the two servants who stood in the background. The maid and the servant lifted their heads to look at us; their eyes widened as they saw me and back down at the ground. I sighed heavily and continued striding forward behind Sophie.

Nicholas reached out to me with his free hand and patted our twined hands gentle and letting both of them go at the same time. He then straightens to his full height with his hands by his side and waited for the prince to acknowledge our presence.

We watched him impatiently. Mr Chevalier did a perfect right angle bow and swiftly pulled himself back to his tall figure. The prince gazed out of the window for a few more seconds, then wagged his finger at the butler to gesture him to come over.

Mr Chevalier folded his hands neatly in front of him and nodded at his master. He took two large steps to the prince and leaned his ear in. He nodded and whispered something back to the prince then returned back to his position.

The prince finally turned around and gave Nicholas an acknowledgeable tilt of the head. In return, Nicholas crossed one arm over his chest and slightly lowered his head then back up to shake the prince’s outstretched hand.

“Nick my son, although I noticed you earlier at the palace, Virginia and I didn’t give you a proper greeting and rushed back to Genova, so please pardon our rudeness,” The prince let go his hand and gave him a one-arm hug.

The prince finally released Nicholas and fell back with a smile. It was a strange smile and seeing the prince smile was really creepy especially when he rarely smiles. Before I could even get further reading his expression, the princess got out of her seat and pushed her knitting into her maid’s hands.

Her eyes were crazy with delirium when she saw the Sophie before me. She stumbled at first and slowly her legs gain strength to support her boney frame, dainty toes danced their way across the room. She must’ve fallen deeply in depression to not to noticed her daughter earlier.

“Sophie, you’re finally home! Oh I missed you so much and what’s this? My, he looks like you,” The princess smiled at the infant who giggled at her sight when she playfully touched his cheeks.

Suddenly Nicholas cleared his throat. My heart did a thump. I didn’t need to hear what he has to say because I noticed what the prince did when he gave Nicholas a hug.

“It’s late and I think I should be going back to Corsica, where I am staying during the school terms and get some few hours’ sleep before today’s lessons,” He bowed again at the prince, then to the princess and turned around.

Nicholas walked by, my pinkie reached out for his. Immediately he linked his to mine for a quick few seconds and whispered “Good night Cinderella,”

He’d let go and disappeared through the doors with Mr Chevalier showing the way, leaving me feel distorted and out of place. I’m scared and my impulses of something bad going my way grew stronger and stronger that I don’t think I’ll be able to handle. I just wished it’ll just hurry up and get over and done with and get rid of the horrible feelings I feel inside.

The prince gave me a long hard stare and left me all shaken up. He then tore his anxious eyes away and settled them onto his daughter’s piecing glare.

“Mrs Keusch,” The prince rose his voice. “We don’t have anything you need here, so please see yourself out. You are not welcomed in the house of the Moreau,”

The prince turned sharply and strode to the window.

“Albert! How could you say such thing?” the princess broke out.

“Mother, forget it. That heartless man chased me out of the house and disowned me six years ago and now he committed arson staking Ardit’s life. You killed Ardit!” Sophie screamed in agony.

From Silver to DiamondsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin