Setting New Year's Resolutions

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New year is the universe's way to give us a new beginning. No matter what might have happened, we tend to put everything away and have a fresh start on new year. Here's where new year resolutions come into the picture. 

Now, you might know where I'm going. Ah, the dread of looking back and realising you've not ticked off any of your resolutions. I know the feeling. So, I have got a 3 step guide to help you out. Grab a pen and paper or just open your Notes app. Ask yourself the following questions and now, let's start!

~ What are my personal goals? It could be anything like fitness, skin-care, reducing screen time, finding more time for your hobbies, spending quality time with my loved ones. It could be just one or as many as you want. 

~ What are the simplest steps I can do to fulfill the above mentioned personal goals? When I say simple, I mean it. Make the steps as simple and straightforward as possible. A BAD step for fitness could be working out daily. However, a GOOD step for fitness could be doing 50 squats daily and stretching for 10 minutes. Use numbers to make your steps more specific and hence, more achievable. 

~ Once you have mentioned your best simple steps, divide them into daily goals and goals that you would be doing on a regular basis. To make this simpler, daily goals could be reducing phone screen time by 1 hour, 50 squats daily, reading for 30 minutes and so on. Regular goals could be applying oil and hair masks every 4 days, going for a walk in your neighbourhood on weekends, taking up an online course, doing your laundry, watching a TED talk and so on. 

I hope this will help you make the perfect new year resolutions for yourself and be able to follow it.

Have fun!

Post by smiling_soul

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