Art gallery

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In Australia-
Rosé was going to her work place when she see a wall is fully plan of there office enters and decided to put there, that can make their company 's reputation high and with that left to go her boss cabin for meeting but she didn't see someone was observing her and catch what she was thinking that make him plan his next target.

In meeting room-
"Did anyone notice that wall on our lobby, I want to do something with that is anyone here any idea what could be fit there " Said their boss feeling stressed and angry.

"I am sorry sir but we didn't find anything that can be suit it" Said one employ and all after him give there sorry to him, the boss was angry and want to fire them all and then his only hope spoke.

"Sir, I was wondering if not anything fit there, we can put an art it make our reputation high and also make it our Treadmark for other companies to fear our power in market and also get benefit to attracting people " Said rosé calmly, her boss agree with her and give her permission to find good art for it. All employees were Jeoluse of her, she was always like this get complement and praises but they can't do anything because she is great in anything.

Rosé decided to visit this famous art gallery for her work and also is want to go there because she likes art so much  , after reaching there she find so many painting but didn't satisfied with anything but in this process she bump into someone.

"Oh, I am sorry, I was looking to these masterpiece and didn't look where's going, I hope you didn't mind mister " Said rosé politely and when she just about to turn, the male spoke.

"It's ok miss, it's also my fault, these are really masterpiece you didn't but get caught in them, by the way I am jack, nice to meet you miss " Said jack and offer a hand to her for shake that rosé shake but also give him a attitude.

"You are fast to introducing , I can't  let any harm to me so sorry Mr, I can't give you my name, have a nice day " With that said rosé goes and never turn back but stop when she is most beautiful painting and just what she wanting to be.

"That's it, now I only want to know it's prize and problem solve" Said rosé happily but stop herself when a voice behind her.

"That's a great painting, " Husen" But sorry miss that's not for sale and before you want to know about it's prize and all you have to search about it and it's really not for sell" Said jack and now he was facing her with a smirk.

"I am going to buy this at any cost, if you didn't help then shut up, it's creater mister surry, I only need to convince him for sell, you will watch me to buy this from here mister jack" Said rosé now challenging the guy but he only smile to her.

"Very well then you are talking to mister surry's manager and I should like to give you his number if you convince him, see you again, if you can buy this if you get succeed then can I have a coffee miss" Said jack handing her a number card. Rosé accept  this and give him a smile.

"Ok, if I buy then we may have a coffee, and now I am going to see you when I buy this " With that rosé goes from there and find her laptop for all about the painting, she got so much information that she was sure, she can buy that.

Next day-
  Rosé in her office cabin and trying to call mister surry for sell the painting then someone pick up the call.

"This is surry and murry art gallery, what I can " Said the Secatrey but it's was jack who was using a machine and voice changer that make a female voice , he can already see rosé form near a hotel window that was now on office rooftop and anxious for call.

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