New Venture

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Rithi always enjoyed parties and gossips so she will find every possible reasons to make a gathering and prepare foods. Since her food has good taste and medicinally perfect people will be happy to attend. This made her get some attention but she just said i will elope if required. Since they had different identities and a simple backup plan they were ok with this unnecessary attention.

Regular gossips and benefits made the group of people and connection to expand and this made the shop to soar and find many customers. They had good understanding of the peoples needs and they started creating trends. Now the girls started doing the marketing with the disguises. They gave a small plan to one of the shop owners to improve the sales and let them reach their father to approve. Now they were given their additional opportunity to start this new venture.

They got requirements from all the four jewellary stores and were paid very well. The bros has their own share of victories. They designed the simple weapons like house utensils and needles in a new style and came up with things like metal swings and so on. They made so many things after the understanding of the peoples requirements.

They started helping the homes to get a better upgrades. They also did trades between different cities and so on. They had their own assets and donated few percent of shares to avoid suspicions from the people. They had different identities and had their own connections to avoid spotlights.

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