chapter 4: scrambled eggs

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I woke up to the smell of pine cologne, and the feeling of a soft hoodie against my cheek, but there was something else. Oh yeah. THE CLICKING SOUNDS OF A PHONE CAMERA.

And before stirring against the warm body I was resting on I heard a voice, "Stop you guys are gonna wake her up," Dream said. "Too late," I groaned, removing myself from his chest, and realizing how close we were.

My cheeks flushed red when I looked up to see George and Sapnap giggling at us, George frantically typed on his phone laughing, "This is going straight to twitter."

Dream jumped up, reaching for George's phone but George ran away from him. Dream yelled after him, "George I swear to god if I see that anywhere,". George and Sapnap were throwing a laughing fit, but I was still recovering from my sleep, yawning and stretching my arms out.

Dream quickly gave up, knowing that the picture would only be used for petty blackmail in the future and sat back down next to me. His voice shifted into a soft, sleepy whisper as he turned to me and said, "Slept well?"

"It was alright, but you snore." I smiled through my flushed cheeks. He burst out into a wheeze, and I couldn't help my smiling-- I loved his laugh.

My mind was pulled back to reality as Sapnap loudly cleared his throat, and Dream rolled his eyes at him. "I should probably get ready," I said, finally getting up from the couch, and I felt Dream's eyes follow me as I walked to my room.

Closing the door, I let out a sigh to release all the tensions built up in my stomach from the past night. What the fuck was that?

--Dream's POV-------
"Stop looking at me like that idiot," I groaned and got up from the couch. Sapnap laughed and followed me into the kitchen, "Oh you're so fucked,". Opening the fridge, I glared back at him and played it off with a straight face, "I don't know what you mean,".

He scoffed, "Yeah ok,", and sat down at the kitchen bar, grabbing a box of cereal. I grabbed some eggs out of the fridge, and started making scrambled eggs,letting my mind wander to the events of last night. Shit. What am I doing?

Cuddling with her was... nice? I didn't know what to think. I remember waking up and seeing Y/N's head buried in my chest, hearing her soft breathing; it was mesmerizing. I could have laid there with her for hours, but, of course, Sapnap and George had to ruin it.

But, it was probably for the best. I concluded shortly after that last night was a mistake. I need to be more wary of the line between friends and, well, more than friends. I know now that I crossed it by pulling her back into me before we went to sleep, and I couldn't do that again.

I am sure I do not want a relationship right now, and I didn't want to lead her on. Even though I was also sure she wasn't interested anyway, or felt the same way.

After a while, I decided to break the silence between Sapnap and I: "Nothing happened,". "Mhm," is all he said, but before I could reply to defend myself, Karl walked in.

"Good morning Karl," Sapnap smiled sheepishly. "Morning," he grumbled back and yawned, "Where's Y/N,". "Ask Dream," Sapnap turned to me, and I glanced over my shoulder, rolling my eyes. "I don't know, she left to get ready a little bit ago," I stated. "Alright," Karl replied, walking over to me. "That looks good," he says, eyeing my scrambled eggs.

"It does doesn't it? Unfortunately I'll be the only one eating it," I responded, grinning. "Whatever we have pop tarts." Sapnap and I laughed at Karl's abundant collection of pop tarts as he revealed the many boxes in a kitchen cabinet.

—Y/N Pov———
After getting dressed and washing my face I headed back into the kitchen to eat some breakfast. Karl's style had begun to rub off on me, probably because I spent so much time with him, so I was wearing some baggy jeans and an oversized, thrifted sweater.

I walked into the kitchen to see Dream, Karl, and Sapnap. Dream was making scrambled eggs and Sapnap and Karl were sitting at the kitchen island with cereal and pop tarts. I giggled over Karl's shoulder, "Healthy breakfast as always I see,".

"Not everyone can be a gourmet chef like Dream," he complained. "It's literally scrambled eggs!" Dream laughed and then he added, "Y/N, you want some?". I looked up from next to Karl, "Uh sure I guess, thanks." I responded awkwardly.

"What the hell!" Karl shouted, "You didn't offer any to us,". "I guess that means she's a better cuddler than us Karl," Sapnap sighed dramatically. "CUDDLER??" Karl jumped up.

Dream laughed. "Oops was I not supposed to say that," Sapnap said with a sheepish grin. I rolled my eyes, "Y'all are never gonna let me live this down, so much regret already,".

"Oh I doubt you regret it," Dream whispered with his back turned to us, but I could tell he was smirking. I scoffed. "I don't know about you Y/N, but I'd say you looked pretty unregretful," Sapnap laughed, pulling out his phone.

I lunged past Karl, trying to rip the phone from Sapnap's grasp before he showed him the picture, but he dodged me, holding the phone above his head. "Sapnap! Stop!" I glanced at Dream, telling him to do something to make them stop, but he only chuckled.

Through laughter, Karl exclaimed, "Show me- Show me the photo Sapnap!" Sapnap took his phone down from above his head and laughed showing Karl the photo, while holding it close to him, away from my grasp. I gave up, turned away from them, and crossed my arms, "I hate you Sapnap," I sulked.

"Aww that's so cute Y/N," Karl teased, nudging my shoulder. I only rolled my eyes, "I'm done with you guys," I grabbed a pop tart, and retreated to my room, hearing laughter as I left the kitchen.

—Dream's Pov———
After catching my breath from laughter, I finally sat down next to Karl and Sapnap, and was able to enjoy my eggs. A few moments of silence followed the laughter, but as I looked up from my plate, I was met with Sapnap's wide grin. Then Karl blurted out from behind him, "Spill it!".

And just as quick as it came, the silence left again, as the room filled with the giggles of Sapnap and Karl. As much as I tried to defend myself, they would not be satisfied with the word, "Nothing happened".

The teasing continued on for several minutes, but the atmosphere changed quickly with one comment; well one question. "Do you like her?"

My eyes shot up from Sapnap's question, it was meant sarcastically, but I realized quickly that my reaction was not. I tried to recover, hiding my uncertain thoughts with laughter, "What! No!", but before returning my attention back to my breakfast I couldn't help but notice the stern look on Karl's face.

//author's note
a bit of a shorter chapter, but whatever. I wanted to add some angst >:)

word count: 1217

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