chapter 8: defensive much?

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I woke up to the sun already up and shining through an open window in the living room. I looked around without moving from my comfortable position and giggled, noticing the cuddling boys around me. I stifled my laugh in Karl's shoulder, which my head was resting against.

I shifted my body up to get a better look at Sapnap, who was spread across the sofa, also leaning against Karl, but a weight tightened around my waist, holding me in place. While Karl was fast asleep in a quite uncomfortable position, his head hanging down, Dream was cuddled up behind me.

I could feel his soft breathing on the back of my neck as his arms pulled me closer to him. I smiled, platonic or not, this was comfortable as fuck. So I gladly snuggled against him while letting Karl's head find a comfortable position resting on mine at the same time.

a/n: cuddling with da boys pogchamp :D

Much to the dislike of a groaning Clay behind me, I reached for my phone, stretching away from him. I'm not sure how much longer I dozed between the couch cushions, Karl's shoulder, and Dream's arms, but when I checked the time it was already 3 pm.

Karl had also started waking up, seeming as his head rest had disappeared out from under him. It was amusing to watch him try to keep his head on mine while I was getting up.

When I finally was able to make it out, his upper body collapsed into the couch, "Ughhh Y/N," he complained. "It's already 3 in the afternoon," I laughed, checking my phone again to make sure.

Dream stretched out his arm, reaching for mine, and tried to pull me back to the couch. I resisted his pull and laughed, "Clay stop we gotta get up and do something,".

"No I'd rather just keep cuddling," he yawned, not giving up. "I'll cuddle with you," Karl exclaimed, laughing.

Dream let out another groan and turned his back to us, face planting into one of the couch pillows. Karl turned to me, pouting, "He doesn't want to cuddle with me."

I chuckled at their immaturity and looked over to Sapnap, who was somehow still completely knocked out. Karl and I walked to the kitchen, leaving Dream and Sapnap behind, and he toasted us some pop tarts— one of our breakfast traditions. However, noe that we were alone, I noticed the change of atmosphere.

As we sat down eating our pop tarts, I caught Karl looking at me. "What?" I laughed, meeting his glance. "Nothing never mind," he responded blankly. My eyebrows furrowed. My friendship with Karl has always been rock solid. I thought it was one thing I could count on never to be awkward, but maybe I was wrong?

"It's just," he sighed, "Is there something going on between you and Dream— uh I mean Clay?"

"What no!" I exclaimed out of surprise. "Ok good," Karl replied. I hesitated, confused by his response, "Why? Would it be a problem if there was?" I asked.

He looked up from his pop tart, "I mean," he paused, "Kind of yeah." Now I was getting kind of annoyed at him. There is nothing going on between Clay and I, but even if there was why would Karl think he could have something to say against it.

"Why would it be a problem?" I continued in a more frustrated tone. "Why are you being so defensive?" he pressured and then threw his head back in annoyance, "There is something going on between you guys stop lying to me!"

I was super taken aback by his remark. Just a few moments ago he was joking with Dream and didn't seem at all bothered by us cuddling, and now he seemed genuinely angry.

It had been so long since Karl and I had a real argument. Usually it was just your classic, petty, sibling-like shit, but this was different. "What- what are you talking about?!" I stuttered through my response.

"Just forget it," he spat and got up, storming out of the kitchen. Before he could leave though, he ran into Dream, perfect timing as always, who was on his way to the kitchen and still half asleep. But when Dream jumped out of surprise and apologized, Karl just ran past him.

"What just happened?" Dream looked at me, noticing my concerned face. But I didn't respond and instead rushed past him, after Karl.

Dream stood in the kitchen alone— shell-shocked, and Sapnap was, of course, still snoring on the couch.

author's note
this chapter is a little shorter, but ooooo drama!
i've gotten a ton of support on this book and i'm super excited you guys like it! be sure to leave some feedback/ vote if you want :))

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