chapter 18: back home

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"LET'S FUCKING GO!" I shouted, jumping up from Dream's lap after delivering the final hit to the ender dragon, watching the purple light beams come out of it.

"YES!" he cheered with me, laughing as I bounced up and down on the air mattress excitedly.

"I'M CRACKED AT THE CRAFT!!" I yelled while running out the office to brag to Karl, Clay following me chuckling.

"KARL!! I beat the game!!" I laughed, jumping onto his shoulders piggy-back style while his back was turned to me. "Jesus!" he yelped surprised, barely being able to catch my legs as they swung around him.

"Congrats I guess," he giggled through a sarcastic eye roll, pushing me off him, but continuing, "It's good you guys are here actually. I need to film for Mr. Beast in 2 days, so we decided we'll probably drive back home tomorrow. The news said the storm will have died down by then. "

"Oh, ok" I replied quietly compared to my previous cheering. I half hoped the storm would force us to stay in Florida longer— I really liked it here.

Even though my online classes made everything super flexible, I knew we had other responsibilities back home.

"Well, see you guys tomorrow, I'm going to bed." Karl yawned, leaving the room.

Everyone slowly trickled out of the kitchen as well, leaving me alone on the couch, struggling to fall asleep. I was tired, but I just kept twisting and turning without being able to really sleep.

I realized that when we got home again, Dream's— I mean everyone's visit would soon come to an end. Wishing they could stay longer, I wondered what would happen to my relationship with Clay after he left. I mean we kissed that means something— right?

I remembered Karl's words: 'I know Clay. He's not looking for a relationship right now' .

Was I even looking for one? I don't know. It was all so confusing— Why can't it just be I like you, You like me, Kiss, Dating, done deal.

But, I had to worry about his intentions, my conflicting feelings, Karl's potential reaction, not to mention he lived in a completely different state.

The same thoughts swirling around in my mind for what seemed like hours was exhausting, and eventually I unknowingly fell into a deep sleep.


"Y/N! Wake up!"

I opened my eyes to see Alex shaking my shoulders awake gently. Smiling at the deja vu, recalling how he woke me up the same way when we arrived at the hotel, I greeted him, "Morning Mr. Alex Quackity."

"Morning," he repeated with a grin, "We're leaving soon."

"Mmk," I yawned and started to get up before Alex's words stopped me again.

"So," Quackity started with a sheepish smile, "You and Dream huh?"

I glared at him, and without having to ask, he responded again, "Sapnap snitched."

That fucker.

"Oh my god I hate him," I groaned, burying my face in my hands, and then looking up suddenly, "Who else knows?!"

He chuckled at my frightened expression, "Don't worryyyy just me—Karl doesn't know."

I sighed out of relief, thank GOD. "Yeah, but I'm still not sure what this all means."

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