chapter 19: secret's out

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Sapnap was doing a minecraft challenge with George when I quietly slipped into the recording room.

I smiled at George, pulling up a chair next to his set up, which was on the opposite side of Sapnap's to avoid any overlap in the discord audios. He glanced back laughing slightly at my large smile.

I couldn't help it— despite the uncertainty about the future of Clay and I's "relationship", I finally knew Karl was supportive of it.

I sat quietly next to George, watching the two try to beat the game while gravity is applied to all blocks. They were forced to use headset mics so they wouldn't pick up each other's sounds in the background, but because of the bad quality, the chat had already been making assumptions. (the mic thing doesn't make sense but please just go with it LMAO)

I glanced over at the second monitor which displayed Sapnap's stream. The chat was filled with theories about the audio quality already, even though they had just started streaming.

"Guys sorry about the audio quality today, both of our discords have been glitching all day!" I heard Sapnap say from across the room.

It was kind of risky for me to be in the room— if the stream heard me our secret meetup would be quickly exposed, but I wasn't planning on staying long. After my conversation with Karl, I just wanted to see what they were up to.

"Alright! Running the command now, " George stated as he typed it into the game chat. Almost instantly the leaves from the trees began falling around them and continued as they moved through the forest.

I held back laughter listening to them scream as the blocks fell from under them, revealing hidden caves.
George nudged my side playfully shooting me a glance to be quiet.

Sorry! I mouthed back trying to suppress my grin, and he laughed back, resuming his game. But, just as the urge to laugh was dying down, the floor caved under George's character, dropping him into a large ravine.

"WHAT THE F-" he yelled, cutting himself off as the death message appeared on his screen, "HOW!".

I couldn't help it— a loud laugh escaped my mouth at the rare occurrence of George almost cursing on stream before I slapped my hand over it.

"Y/N!" George shouted without thinking and then simultaneously covered his mouth with his hands too.

A short moment of silence followed our mistake, and then Sapnap let out a hysterical laugh, "YOU GUYS ARE SO DUMB!"

I glanced at the chat through laughter, seeing crazed messages flying by, while George was struggling to breathe from wheezing so hard.

"Guys-Chat listen-," Sapnap tried to explain, but he was laughing to hard, and this only escalated once the door flew open. Karl ran into the room screaming and cackling at the chat, "THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW! THEY DIDN'T KNOW!"

Obviously, we had given up on hiding this meetup from the chat— it was long gone now. After the laughter finally died down, Sapnap explained and calmed down the freaked out twitch chat.

Karl even tweeted a picture of George and I sitting at the gaming set up. "Twitter is gonna have a field day with this one," I whispered to George, still giggling.


"Hey so secret's out I guess," I laughed to Dream, running into him in the hallway after leaving the recording room.

"Yep," he smiled back, but his eyes were scanning my face as if he was trying to memorize it.

"Well, now you guys have an excuse to stay longer!"

"I wish," he sighed, "I still have to be back in Florida tomorrow night— It's my mom's birthday in a couple days."

"Oh," I replied, trying to hide my disappointment.

"Hey," Dream reached up to brush a strand of hair out of my face, caressing my cheek gently, "Let's just enjoy the last two days. Besides, I'll be back— promise."

He turned to leave, but I spoke up to stop him, "What happens when you leave?" I paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "What are we Clay?"

//author's note
so sorry i know y'all have been asking for a new chapter and this is only a short one but i've been so unmotivated lately 😭
anyway have another cliffhanger 😀

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