chapter 15: hurricane

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"And I almost forgot why I've never felt the need to go to Florida," I joked, looking out the car window as we drove through the pouring rain. We were forced to leave the beach immediately, and everyone was quite shaken up from urgency of Dream's voice telling us to get to the car.

Alex laughed a little with me, trying to lighten the mood, but everyone's eyes were focused on the road ahead, especially Dream's. Although he was concentrated on driving through these rough conditions, he seemed surprisingly calm.

The inside of the car was nearly silent, but from outside you could hear the roar of the strong winds flying past us, the rain shooting down at the roof of Dream's old van, and its tires swooshing through the large puddles forming on the street.

When we pulled into the driveway, everyone was ready to make the sprint into the house. I was sitting behind Dream and I watched as he pulled off his sweatshirt before swiftly opening the door and slamming it shut. Karl jumped out of the passenger door soon after and ran to the awning under the front door.

But, instead of doing the same, Dream opened my door, holding his sweatshirt above his head to shield him from the rain. I got out of the car, but paused for a second to look up at the sky. The clouds seemed to be swirling above us; I had never experienced anything like it. The rain hit my head— It was pouring so hard it almost actually hurt.

"What are you doing? Come On!" Dream shouted, wrapping his arm around me, and pulling me to the front door. I clutched onto him as we ran towards the house. Everyone else was already there waiting for Dream to unlock the door.

As a group, we stumbled inside the dark house, quickly abandoning our wet shoes at the door. I squinted to adjust my eyes to the light when Dream flicked the living room lights on.

We split up to change out of our wet clothes, and regrouped in the kitchen. When I walked into the room I couldn't help but laugh at everyone in their pajamas.

"What's so funny?" Quackity scolded, but I couldn't take him seriously in his pajama pants— they had little yellow ducks on them!  "Nothing," I smiled back. I looked to the rest of the boys, who were all discussing the plan for the night— let alone the next couple of days.

"Ok, but we can't just go dark for days," Karl said concerned, "People are going to know something's up if we're all offline."

"I don't think we have much of a choice," Dream sighed, "The power could go out any second. Luckily, this isn't supposed to be a super big one— at most a day or two."

"I'm literally running out of clothes," Sapnap groaned, "I had no idea we'd be staying in Florida this long."

I sighed. This visit had definitely taken a turn. It was supposed to be a spontaneous, exciting trip, but now there were so many stress factors. I could tell Karl was worried, but I really hope we can still make the most out of it.

"Uh Dream," George spoke up, "What are we gonna eat if we can't deliver?" Even more groans and complaints filled the room. But Dream reassured us he had frozen pizza.

We were probably just hangry, because once we were all warm on the couch, with some food in our stomachs, all the stress went away. We were watching a random netflix movie I forget the name of, but when I got up to put my pizza plate away— I was distracted looking out the window.

Even through the dark sky, I could see palm trees swaying violently in the distance, and branches flying across the ground. I know it's probably insane, but it was kind of incredible.

I've never seen a hurricane before— in the news maybe, but that was usually only the aftermath. And only because of Clay's earlier statement that it was "only a small storm", I wasn't scared when I found myself opening the front door carefully.

The guys were too distracted with the movie to notice, so I slipped out the door, stepping into the rain.

I lifted my head to meet the looming clouds above and closed my eyes as I felt the water drops hit my face. The strong winds swirled around me, making my hair fly out behind me. Somehow, it was exhilarating.

I don't know how to describe it, but I felt free; I like I was a part of this force of nature which surrounded me.

I was knocked out of my blissful state, when the front door swung open. Standing under the awning, was Clay, looking at me with wild concern, "What the fuck are you doing?!" He exclaimed running towards me.

Before he could pull me back inside, I stopped him, clutching his forearm. "I don't know, but the storm— it's kind of incredible; I'm drawn to it,"

He laughed, looking up at the swirling sky, my hands still holding on to him, "You're insane."

"If you didn't agree, why are you still here?" I questioned.

"I'm drawn to you,"

I don't know if it was just the adrenaline, or if I had just been wanting to do it all along, but when his eyes met mine with that sentence— I kissed him.

He pulled back quickly, looking slightly bewildered. But, I remained, holding onto his arms, which were stretched out to me, trying to find a readable expression on his face.

Then, after only a split second had passed, a smirk took over his face as he grabbed my face with both hands, pulling me in and roughly connecting our lips again.

The kiss was full of need— lust and desire. My hands entangled themselves in his hair as his arms dropped to my waist, pulling me into his chest further, ensuring there was not even an inch of space between us.

His height forced me to stand on my tippy-toes, and the combination of the breathless kiss and the wind still swirling around us made it difficult to hold my balance.

My knees started to give out, but his arm grasped strongly around me, holding me in place while his mouth moved down and traced my jawline. I couldn't help the noise that escaped my mouth as I leaned my head back to give him full access to my neck.

I could feel his smirk against my skin— he knew his power over me. Looking up to the sky, the rain still pouring down on us— I became lost in the hurricane clouds, and the feeling of Dream's hands roaming every inch of my body.

//author's note
YOOOO it's getting kinda hot in here or is it just me?
finally giving you simps what you want ig 😒✋

word count: 1150

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