chapter 16: power's out

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Finally separating, breathing heavily, Clay held me close to his face and whispered, "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that,"

I smiled through my flushed cheeks— I tried to hide my blushing, but couldn't with his hands cupping my face, brushing his thumb along my skin. He smiled at me, eyes scanning over my features with admiration.

I took this moment to notice our state, our clothes were dripping from being out in the rain— extra water droplets were even hitting my face from Dream's wet hair as he was leaning over me.

My hair was also soaking wet, creating a large damp spot on my back, but somehow, I wasn't the slightest bit cold in his arms.

"I feel like ARG Wilbur!" I laughed, spinning out of his grasp and running circles around Dream through the rain, "This is what I've been working for all my life!" I quoted the viral clip through giggles.

He caught me again and planted one small peck on my lips, "You're lucky this is only a mild storm," Dream laughed, still holding me close.

"Ahem," came a voice from the front door. Shit. Sapnap was leaning against the door frame with the widest smile on his face, "Clay, power's out."


Dream's POV

I followed Y/N back inside the house, flipping Sapnap off as I passed him, but making sure Y/N didn't see. He only laughed back, refusing to wipe the smug smile off his face.

I chuckled to myself as well though— Y/N seemed embarrassed as she walked past, clutching her own shoulders from the cold, but I knew Sapnap wouldn't share our secret.

To be honest, I wouldn't mind everyone else finding out. I thought our feelings for each other were pretty obvious anyway, but I could tell Y/N wasn't ready for that, and I wanted to respect that.

"Stay here," I said to Y/N, letting her wait in the hallway as I grabbed two towels for us from the guest bathroom.

I came back, throwing her a towel, which she barely caught out of surprise. Laughing, I dried my hair, but she was far more soaked than I was, and while she was attempting to pat her clothes dry, I used my towel to ruffle up her hair.

"Hey!" she whisper shouted, knowing that everyone else was probably in the next room, where Sapnap had already disappeared to.

I chuckled at her messy hair, which I could barely see in the low light. So I pulled out my phone to use its flashlight.

"JESUS!" she exclaimed covering her eyes, when I accidentally pointed the flashlight straight at her face. "Sorry!" I laughed, but the only thing I could think was 'She's so cute'.


We sneaked into the kitchen to see Karl, Alex, and George lighting some candles they must have found in the cupboards.

"I don't even even wanna know what happened to you two," Alex laughed, noticing our damp clothes. Karl on the other hand, looked at me with a confused glance— one that screamed 'I'm going to question you about this later'.

Dream chuckled, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "Y/N decided it would be a good idea to go out in a hurricane,"

"You did what!" Karl exclaimed dramatically, radiating big brother energy. "I'm fine, Karl!" I assured, and then I looked to Dream with a grin "It was actually pretty fun."

"Mhm, I'm sure it was," Sapnap spoke up from the other side of the dark room.

I rolled my eyes at him, but tried to change the subject, "So? How are we spending this lovely evening with no power?"

"No clue, but you two should probably change out of those clothes," George laughed.

It was just now hitting me how cold and uncomfortable I was— so I agreed. I left to the hallway, where my duffel bag of spare clothes was, trying to navigate the pitch black house.

"OUCH" I yelled— of course I ran into a wall. But, in my defense this was still an unfamiliar house to me. Maybe one day it won't be. NOPE. I pushed that thought away as quickly as it came.

I finally found my bag in the limited light, but after searching through it, I realized that the only hoodie I brought was the one I'm wearing— yeah, the soaking wet one. UGHHHH WHY ME.

"You good? Did you run into a wall?" came a light-hearted chuckle behind me— perfectly on time. I turned around to see a dark figure leaning against the same wall I knocked into, but I could tell it belonged to Dream.

"Yeah, but I just realized I don't have an extra sweatshirt, only sweatpants," I sighed, holding up the sweatpants I found in my bag.

"No problem— I've got tons of extra merch in my garage." He said turning to get one.

"Oh so you're not going to offer me one of yours? I thought we were closer than that," I teased, making him stop in his tracks. He turned around, slowly advancing towards me and smirked, "Are you asking for one?"

"No," I tried to hold my confidence, but his closeness was making me become more and more flustered, "But I guess I wouldn't be opposed..."

"Oh yeah?" he whispered in a low voice, leaning down to my ear, almost as if he was testing my ability to contain myself.

I gulped, his much taller figure now leaning over me. But quickly pulled myself together again, "Just give me a sweatshirt idiot," I laughed, pushing him away from me playfully.

"Yeah, yeah," he chuckled, and went up the stairs to his bedroom, "Be right back."

He came back right away, footsteps thumping down the stairs and with a hoodie in hand. "May I?" he asked politely, approaching me.

I nodded and he smiled to himself, "Arms up." I lifted my arms above my head, feeling ridiculous, as Dream pulled my sweatshirt off over my head carefully and replaced it with one of his.

The hoodie swept over me, going down to about my
mid-thigh. It was way too big on me, but I've always loved oversized sweaters. There's a reason I always stole Karl's at home.

"Psh," I laughed at myself as I flapped around my arms with sweater paws from the long sleeves. "Cute," he chuckled.

"How would you know? It's so fucking dark in here," I joked, trying to make out his facial expressions in the dim light.

"Well you're always cute so it was a lucky guess," he teased, arms reaching for my waist.

"EW someone get this simp away from me!" I laughed while juking him out and sprinting back to the kitchen before he could stop me.

"I'M NOT A SIMP" he yelled after me. 

//author's note
wooo back on track to daily updates! i'm on break now so you guys can prolly expect that to continue :)

word count: 1168

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