Thirty Two

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"So Biiig!"

Mace stared at the hippos with mesmerizing eyes as i hold him standing on a little post in front of me watching the hippos lazing around the dirty water.

"Wait till you see the elephants, kid" I said nonchalantly as we stare at one hippo yawning; showing his large mouth.

After our exhausting walk for more than a hour and a frequent stop to the restroom to help him pee. We still had a blast checking every animal we came across and it turned out well then I expected. I taught him things i knew about them and he was dumbfounded every time.

I like it. He makes me look cool.

I expected it to be the worst but i had fun like I've turned back when i was a kid too. I can't help remember my mom. We used to go around parks and zoo too growing up.

How tiring must be for her taking care of me and The sacrifices she had rising me. Experiencing it now by babysitting Mace for the first time made me more grateful for her. I'll make sure mom will have the best in life. She deserved it more than i do.

"Can..Can we see the e-eli-elePants too?"
He asked with a dreamy look in his face.

"Sure thing kid." I said smiling softly as i ruffled his hair.

"Hey? Is that Bright?"

I turned my head around when i heard my name called. I saw a teenage couple looking at us. The girl is about to faint.

I smile at them and i put my index finger in my lips as i gesture shhh with my hand. The couple smiled and willing agreed like we have secrets of our own. then I remember.

"Hey, if you don't mind. Can you take us a photo?"

"Uh" I sighed loudly.

Finally. i'm home

I carried sleeping Mace to my arms as i walk from the car to the gate. My lips curved it to a smile as i see Demi anxiously waiting inside. Seeing her now makes me less tired. She was pacing back in forth like a worry cat with a her arms folded.

Her face lights up adorably as she saw us from the distance then her face suddenly soften as she saw me carrying Mace. She quickly opens the gate to welcome us.

"I miss you babe" i said softly.

I kiss her left cheek softly as soon as i reach her that made her chuckle.

"Ahhww. My big baby."
She said teasing as she pat my arm. My ears turned red as what she said.

"Did you wait long?" I asked her softly with my tired voice.

She looked at me with her lips curved it to smile then she shake her head no as we walk towards the front door.

"Just a couple of minutes. You look exhausted.
Did you have fun?"

I quickly glance down at Mace on my arms with a smile.

"It was interesting day.
This kid pees like there's no tomorrow" I answered

She snicker softly as she turned the key and opened the front door.

"The photo you send me was surprisedly cute. how did you manage to handle him in a crowded place?"

"You know me, babe. I have my charms and inborn gift to tamed a little beast"

Demi rolled her eyes at me if she was annoyed.

Started with a shot of tequila | Bright VachirawitWhere stories live. Discover now