23- Sadness

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*** This chapter might have triggers. You learn about what Sofia went through five years ago with her ex. I don't go into great detail, but she does talk about it. I will put a 🚫 where it starts and then when it ends. I don't want to upset anyone.***

Sofia's P.O.V.

The next morning Derek and I walked out of the bedroom hand and hand.

I went behind Dad, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "Morning."

"Morning Sweetheart."

I kissed Nico and then Uncle Silas.

"Enjoy the bed, Princess?" Uncle Silas asked.

"We did, Uncle Si Si. Thanks for asking."

He whipped us head towards me, "I thought I told you to never call me that in front of people?"

"And I thought I told you to never call me Princess? Keep it coming Si Si, I could go on and tell everyone here, the stories about me dressing you up and putting make-up on you when I was younger."

"I hear ya, would you just be quite already." He mumbled.

I sat down with a satisfied look on my face as everyone else was trying to hold in their smiles, all except Nico and my dad. "I don't know why you're both laughing, she did the same thing to you. At least I wasn't in a dress… Nico." Silas shot back.

"Dad!" Nico glared.

"It doesn't bother me, she's my little girl so."

I smiled at Dad, "So what are we going to do now? Juan is not happy with me, I'm not sure what he's going to do Dad."

"When was the last time you talked with him?" Derek asked.

"Ummm, the day of our fight. He was in my apartment after I left your house and was furious with me."

"Why, exactly?" Dad questioned.

"Because he tested me and I failed. He saw me kissing Derek at the races, when I met Juan at Big Joe's the next day for that DNA sample he told me about how they were planning on busting Hugo. I told Derek and his crew not to go! Juan knew I would because he knew I fell for Derek, even though I told him I didn't. Before he left my apartment that day he told me he had plans for Derek and I and that he didn't need me now, but soon."

"I wonder how many of the Eagle Riders are out there?" Nico questioned.

"Leo said he was a new recruit though." I added.

"Yes, so we have to see how many we missed!" Dad exclaimed.

I got up from the table and walked into the living room. Even though Juan told me Tony deserved to die, why didn't he help me? I hated thinking about that night, I had a hard time breathing. I felt like I was suffocating again.

"Baby? Are you alright?" Derek came over, trying to console me.

I nodded my head, but he could tell I was lying.

"No, If Juan was there that night… Why didn't he stop them? Why would he let them hurt me?"

Derek turned towards my dad, "What happened to her?"

He shook his head. "That's not my story to tell you."

"It's okay, Dad. Nico, can you go into the closet in my room. The evidence from Juan is in there."

Nico went into my room, moments later he handed it to me. I shook my head as I handed it to Dad.

🚫🚫 "When I was eighteen I met this guy, Tony. He was something else. He was charming, sweet and so funny." I licked my lips nervously before continuing, this is the first time talking about it since that night.

"He literally swept me off my feet and I fell in love with him. We dated for six months, on our last night together he took me out and it ended at a club." I looked down.

"He needed to give something to his boss real quick before he took me home so I went to the basement with him." I swallowed hard, wiping away my tears. Derek grabbed my hand, letting me know he was here for me.

"When we got to the basement, I instantly didn't feel right. There were tons of men down there I hadn't seen before. I didn't realize until Tony handed me to his two buddies, I was what Tony was giving to his boss. They both pinned me down on the bed and raped me, when they finished Tony started. He wasn't the same man I thought I loved, he was a completely different person in that room. Everyone down there just watched as I screamed for it to stop but nobody stopped them."

"Thank God Nico saw me come into the club with Tony, when we didn't come up Nico called Dad and he stormed the basement."

"Fucking hell, what happened to them?" Derek asked, holding my hands tighter. I could tell he tried holding in his anger.

"I slaughtered every last fucker that was down there and then I lit that night club on fire, but not before making Tony suffer. I cut off his balls and shoved them down his throat. That son of a bitch sold her to a guy in Cuba." Dad hissed.

"A little over a month later I found out I was pregnant, I had horrible cramping and ended up losing the baby." I looked up at Derek. "I have never been more happy for anything in my entire life. I didn't want that baby, I hated it. I was so mad and resented that poor innocent child. What kind of person does that make me Derek? Why do I deserve another one?"🚫🚫

He had tears, and he rubbed my stomach.
"Because this one was made with love Sofia, you are the most amazing woman I have ever met. You're kind and gentle, you want to help people. Look at everything you did for your Dad and Nico and even me. You deserve this baby and I couldn't ask for a better mother to my child."

I gave him a hug and cried into his shoulder. Dad came and sat down next to us, handing me a kleenex.

I sat up, "I had so much scarring from what they did and with the loss of the baby I was told I wasn't able to have kids. I wasn't even on any birth control Derek. I feel bad, because obviously we didn't use protection all the time, I didn't even think about it."

"Well, I've never been more excited in anything in all my life Doc. I'm not mad at you and if I'm being honest, I planned on marrying you someday anyways. So we're going out of order, who cares… Well possibly your Dad."

I started laughing. "I think he likes you." I whispered. "Because if he didn't, you'd probably be dead right now."

"True statement." Dad winked our way.

"Fi, you don't know the real reason I called Uncle Aaron to come that night?"

"I thought it was because I never came back up?"

"No, a man came up to me at the bar, told me there was a problem downstairs and that you were in trouble."

"What? Who was it and why didn't you tell me?"

"Honey, you went through enough that night we didn't need to keep talking about it. Now I'm wondering if Juan tipped us off?" Dad replied.

"Juan told me Tony deserved what happened to him. That would make sense I guess."

My Dad went to the table and grabbed some papers, "This is the information Leo got for you. Is this the guy that told you about Sofia that night?" Dad asked Nico, holding up a picture taken at Big Joe's.

"Yeah, that's him."

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