24- Seek and Destroy

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Sofia's P.O.V.

It's been two weeks since the night at the cabin. Juan still hasn't made contact and Dad's been laying low so Juan doesn't figure out he's back in town.

I've been staying at Derek's house again. Dad and Derek both wanted me to quit working but I'm stubborn and I refuse to let Juan mess with my life anymore.

My cramps have gone away and I cut back my hours at work. Garrett agreed since he knew this was a high risk pregnancy. I told Garrett I wanted to keep it a secret from everyone at work until I was further along; which he agreed with.

Getting off my night shift, I headed out to the parking garage. I hit the unlock button on my keys, reaching for the handle when I felt an arm snake around my waist and another covering my face with a rag.

I kicked for a few seconds until everything went black.

Derek's P.O.V.

I was sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast with my men, waiting for Doc to get home from work. My phone started ringing and I couldn't help but smile...

"Good morning beautiful, are you almost home?"

There was a man laughing on the other line. My eyes widened as my heart started beating faster, the worst possible thought flooded my mind; He had killed Sofia and our baby.

I stood up fast, knocking over the chair I was sitting on. My men looked at me with concerned looks on their faces.

"Where's Sofia?"

"Ohhhhh, she's fine. She's resting up for what's about to happen."

"I swear to God, if you harm even one hair on her head; I will hunt you down and kill you in the most painful way you can even imagine." I hissed.

I watched as Nico went into the other room; more than likely calling Aaron.

"I'm not going to hurt her, or the baby, yet. I actually like her, it's you I can't stand."

"Listen to me, Juan. I'm telling you I wasn't planning on killing Pedro. He shot at me first-"

"Bullshit." He hissed, interrupting me. "I'll text you a meeting spot, we need to talk face to face and if you bring anybody with you, Sofia and this baby die. Understand?"



I grabbed the chair closest to me and flung it across the kitchen.

"Juan has Sofia and he knows she's pregnant. I can't fucking lose them." I yelled.

Seconds later my phone pinged with a meeting spot.

Beck and Zac came over, trying to calm me down but all I saw was red! I punched the wall behind me putting a big hole into the wall.

"Derek, calm down. Aaron is on his way." Nico informed me. "Listen to me, we'll get her back. You need to stay calm and focused, think like a Rynes right now. That's what Fi needs you to do right now, so she can come home to us."

I grabbed the side of the counter trying to take calm breaths but it wasn't working. I didn't say a word to anyone, all I kept thinking was the worst.

I don't know how long it took but Aaron and his men showed up. "What happened?" Aaron yelled, storming in.

"He has her and he knows about our baby." I hissed out.

"What does he want?"

"He wants to talk to me face to face about his brother."

"He's going to kill you if you go in there." Beck warned.

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