16- Doc

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Sofia's P.O.V.

I was at work tonight, my two days off flew by, even though I didn't do anything except relax.

I still haven't heard anything from Leo, I was trying to be patient but I was definitely getting anxious.

I just finished up with a patient and headed into the breakroom.

I grabbed a bottle of water and started sipping on it. I was still feeling like crap, again. During the day I feel fine but once the afternoon hits, I've been feeling like shit.

I leaned forward, waiting for it to pass. "Fucking hell." I whispered.

"Fi, are you alright?"

I jumped, "Boss? Jesus, you scared me?"

"I'm sorry, you don't look very good, are you okay?"

I took a few deep breaths, "I think I'm going to throw up." I grabbed the garage can and puked.

Garrett came over, rubbing my back until I was done. I wiped off my mouth and washed my hands.

"Come here." Garrett pulled me to him, resting his hand on my head, "No fever, how long has this been going on?"

"Just about a week."

"Fi? Are you late with your cycle?"

I looked at him, with everything going on and José pestering me, I haven't even been keeping track.

"Oh my God."

"Follow me." Garrett instructed.

We walked out of the room and he took me to the ultrasound lab. "This can't be happening, not right now... not like this, Garrett." I started getting teary eyed at the thought of Derek being so pissed off at me and leaving me and a baby behind.

"Hey," he grabbed the sides of my face, "Look at me Sof. You love him, right?" I nodded my head. "And I know he loves you, everything will be fine and he is going to be thrilled." I nodded my head again. "Good, lay down on the table."

I wiped away my tears and laid down on the table. He turned on the machine as I lifted up my scrub top. He placed the gel on my stomach.

"Okay, let's see if there's a baby in here." He put the wand on my stomach, messing around for a minute before the beautiful little dot appeared on the screen. "Oh my fucking God, Garrett."

"Yep, that's your baby. Congratulations Sofia."

"But, I don't understand, I was told I was never going to be able to have children. So I never was on the pill, I... I didn't think I needed to be. Oh my God, Derek and I are having a baby." I was so happy.

I sat up and hugged Garrett. He wrapped his arms around me, "You're going to be a wonderful mother. I'm very happy for you."

"So, everything looked okay? I mean, a few years ago... I had some damage done, that's why I was told I couldn't have any kids, I can't lose this baby, Boss. I can't!" I started crying again.

"Everything looked fine there, what exactly happened? I can't help you if I don't know everything."

"I can't tell you." I whispered.


"It's too hard." I choked out.

"Listen to me, not only am I your boss but I'm your friend. I'm not an OB but I know what I'm doing. I want to help you through this until you get a doctor but I need to know what we're dealing with. This is strictly between you and I."

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