53. Order of the Phoenix - Part One

Start from the beginning

"I know that face your mother used to pull it when she was worried." He tells me.

"I'm fine, stop worrying about me." I tell him.

"All he does is worry about you." Remus tells me.

"Yeah I know." I say with a smile.

"How can I not worry about my only daughter? I know she can take care of her self but I will always worry." My dad says.

Although most people saw Sirius Black as a cold hearted killer, he was the kindest, funniest man that some of us knew.

"You always have, since the day you found out you were going to be a dad you were already protective, well we all were." Remus tells the table, I loved hearing the stories about me as a child and my extended family.

"By the sounds of it she doesn't need to be looked after." Anna, jacks mum, tells the table.

"That's true y/n is a badass." Jack says.

Seeing the bond that Jack and Anna had was lovely, Jack seemed more like his mother than his father, who was a little more reserved then his wife and son.

"Why thank you." I say with a small laugh.

"Although I don't know who worries about y/n more, Fred or Sirius because it seems like you compete who is more protective." Melody says.

"We don't." Fred and my dad say at the same time.

"You do, it's kind of cute." I say, the both have matching stroppy faces on, they are more similar then they would like to think.

"Molly do you need help with anything?" I ask.

"No dear, you are okay thank you." She replies as she carries on making dinner for us all.

"Does anyone know how Harry is?" Jack asks, the room goes a little tense like they aren't telling us something.

"No." My dad quickly replies.

"I still think we should be able to write to him just have no return address and say it's for his own good, and we could send it in those post box things." I say.

"Right kids let's stop talking about this." Beth Melody's mum tells us.

"We are all of age why can't we know or join this order?" Melody questions.

"Because we don't want you to get hurt." Beth argues back.

"You all literally done the same thing at our age." I say.

"And look where it got some of us." My dad says.

"You can't really stop us now can you?" I question giving him a look.

"We can. Now can we stop talking about this." Molly says from the other side of the kitchen and I knew better than to argue with her.

"I'm going to my room, anyone else coming?" I ask as I leave the table apparating into my room soon behind fellowed Fred by himself.

"No one else wanted to come up?" I ask him as I sit on the bed.

"No, I wanted to make sure you are okay. I know it's frustrating, we are of age now and you want to help in anyway you can but your dad does have a point. Look what happened to Lily and James along with other order members including your mum." He tells me.

"I know Fred, but I don't want to live in fear for the rest of my life and watch more people I love die knowing I can do something about it!" I say emotionally. "What if I loose my dad or you? Or both of you? Or anyone else I love, I don't want that to happen." I say trying my best not to cry.

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