Clementine's Past

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Let me tell you how this began.
It started with my mom, Tiffanie and my dad, Jacob. My parents met when they were 25, got married at 28 and my mom had me at 31. The this is, the pregnancy wasn't like other pregnancies.
3 days before the due date something terrible happened. My mother got struck by lightning. This wasn't just any lightning! Thisu was lightning from the Earth, it was green and blue. As the lightning came down onto my mother it spoke out to her
"Your daughter is one with me" it sang
"Your daughter is one with me, she is gifted, she is powerful"
My mom was not affected by the strike, but when my mom got an emergency ultrasound, there was nothing in her womb! This made no sense because nothing left her womb yet! Then the doctor checked once more, and saw me appear. It was just a mistake they said, but they were wrong. 3 weeks after my due date I was born. Clementine was born.
I'm not like everybody else. I'm not like my mom or my dad. No, because I'm special.
I can shape shift. Yes, you heard me correctly, I am a shapeshifter. I can turn into an elephant or a bar, a cat or a bird. Anything. I had my powers mastered by the time I was two.
Now I am 17. I go to school like a normal girl. I am graduating high school soon, or I was. Because now I am on the other side of the world. And my powers, well, I don't know where they are.

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