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I followed James as he exited the lounge. After we walked back into the shop, the wall began to solidify once again, covering up the stairs that lay behind it. James turned to me with a calculating look.

“Would you like to lead the way?”

I laughed. “Are you drunk?”

He rolled his eyes and stepped closer to me, I resisted the urge to pull away, not wanting to hurt his feelings yet again.

“No, but I want to see something. Just look down to the floor and walk wherever you want, don’t even think about where you’re going.”

I shook my head and he took yet another step toward me, I was going to have to agree before he stole all my personal space. I threw up my hands with a groan.

“Fine! But you better be following me, because if I end up lost and alone in this bloody maze again I’ll turn your goolies into Christmas baubles.” 

He grabbed the area in question with a shriek and I laughed at the girly sound. What a wimp. I turned around and took a deep breath. I would walk around for a couple minutes then once he realised I had no idea where I was going, he could lead me to the door.

The balls of my feet were throbbing in my heels. I focused on the pain as I started walking. I only bought the stupid things because they were the same colour of red as my coat, I didn’t think I would be trekking around Scotland in them for god’s sake.  I took the turns at random, choosing left or right at the last possible second, not giving myself enough time to think about it.

I really should have packed a bag or something but I was in so much of a rush that it never even occurred to me, I just wanted to get the hell out of town so I jumped on the first bus I came across and left. It was a miracle that I had my phone and my purse in the back pockets of my jeans, otherwise I really would be buggerd.  

After about five minutes I turned to James with a sigh.

“Clearly I have no idea where I’m going.”

He chuckled. “Ok, one more time, left or right, Mackenzie?”

I spoke without thinking. “Right.” He grabbed my hand and I squelched my annoyance, he didn’t know how I felt about touching, it wasn’t his fault. This was my mantra as he pulled me right and we turned to face the front door.

My jaw dropped as I stared at his triumphant face.


He shrugged. “The shop likes you.”

I snorted quietly and mumbled. “And the shop couldn’t like me the first time I went exploring?” 

He chuckled and patted me on the back. “If it makes you feel better, I kicked one of the bookshelves once and couldn’t find my way out of the bloody maze for hours.”

I laughed and walked to the door, wrapping my scarf tighter around my neck as I looked out at the flurry of snow outside. It had gotten heavier since I saw it last and I pulled my gloves out of my coat pockets, already dreading going outside.

“Is the café far?” I was reluctant to venture out into the blizzard but I really did need space to think.

“No, it’s only down the road.” He reached for my hand but I used them to pull my hood up quickly.

“Come on then, the sooner we go into the snow, the sooner we get out of it!” I walked brusquely to the door, suddenly eager to get out of the shop.

I heard James sigh from behind me but I ignored him, I was only going to let him touch me so many times.  I’ve hated being touched for a very long time. I liked my space and didn’t appreciate it being invaded on a regular basis, which would probably happen if I took the job and lived with James, Maginuss and Garret. Although I wasn’t too worried about Garret getting too close, I didn’t imagine us getting along very well.

Little Red (Not going to be continued)Where stories live. Discover now