Outgunned and outnumbered, chances of victory let alone survivability had plummeted dreadfully low. My highly advanced and powerful weapon, the Spartan Laser was shattered into jigsaw puzzle size pieces. All I had were a few half empty mags for my bruised up Battle Rifle and Magnum, but those could barely put a dent on the beast.

Unwilling to take a painful death as an option and with D.Va's fondness lighting a spark within me to keep on fighting, I bravely decided to swiftly grab onto her, carrying her bridal style and making a mad dash to the remaining Overwatch team for safety. With D.Va safeguard kept within my arms, a quick sprint was abruptly ended with a shot from a high caliper laser projected sniper placed on my back. The impact clashes against my spine, knocking me off of my balance, dropping D.Va from my grip and tumbling down next to her.

What was left of the Overwatch force had started to retreat as the Omnics followed them after. D.Va was hurt badly and managed to corner herself by the ledge of a river dam just outside of the destroyed facility. Omnics resistance creeped on us with every second we laid defenseless. Starved out of good ideas, I had an idea that I didn't put much thought into it. I told D.Va to jump off the dam and she returned a blank and confused face back at me.

But with more incoming fire being displaced onto us, she without hesitation, carelessly jumped off the dam and disappeared. I rushed and follow her soon after, leaping off the edge and plummeting into the dark aybss blindly. Gravity was in control of me and threw me with my arms and legs flailing around before striking at the water below. At the point of contact the sheer weight of the Mjolnir armor splurge into the water and I had crashed with enormous speed at the botton of the river bed

Clashing with the large unorganized placement of large rocks beneath the waves and the brutal force of the current pounding every part of me, I struggle to recenter myself and be in full control. I spun rapidly in random directions under the water fighting against the current, but the waves kept on pushing me further downs it trail. Eventually the waves got less intense and I was able to get some ground. I resurfaced from the treacherous dark abris and fully got the full view of up top.

A dark forest has surrounded the river I was flowing in, with large trees that were blocking the struggling moonlight casting it's own source of light at us. Looking ahead of me I can see D.Va who was also struggling against the current trying to stay on top of it. I used the current in my favor to help quickly hurdle myself to her position and when I got close she noticed me and held out her hand to grab. I latched onto that hand and pulled her in where she held onto me solidly as I pulled her and myself to the side out of the river. There D.Va placed herself down on the mud, she was exhausted, coughing, her suit was drenched completely and had taken a significant beating, she was freezing and most important, she was scared.

D.Va: "... I-I'm sorry... sorry that I put myself and you in danger." She said wistfully.

(Y/N): "Hana... please, it doesn't matter. What matters is that you're alive and well."

A heavy rain started to pour in on us and an artificial bright white spotlight overpowered the natural moon light to shine through the murky dense forest that we were using to remain undectected accidentally. The flying object holding the spotlight dashed right by us, spooking D.Va.

(Y/N): "A search party? We need to get moving."

The both of us trudged far away from the river and deeper into the forest. It felt like it was just the two of us all alone, but as we step over the small twigs covering our path, sounds of wildlife would be alerted with our presence. The sound of heavy rain was the only thing keeping us hidden from threats. I did my best to keep D.Va safe and dry but as we made it further and more lost she couldn't bare it anymore.

(Y/N): "We won't be able to get home today, so let's find a place to camp for the night."

D.Va: "Yes please... I'm freezing." She states.

I spotted a cave not so far from us with a small creak running down by it. Entering the cave revealed that it was a small one but dry at least, it'll do I confidently decided. I told Hana to rest while I set up a fire and figure out about food. I dashed out of the cave not wanting to spend too much time looking for the basics. Some branches and some rocks for a quick fire.

Returning back from a quick departure, D.Va pulled her legs together, with both arms wrapped around them trying to conserve warmth but she was shaking very badly. I hesitantly placed the rock in a circle shape with branches and twigs lined in the center, then took out one bullet from my Battle Rifle magazine and disassembled it until I got gun powder. I unsheathed my combat knife and with a rock, striked at it to create a spark. It didn't take much effort, but when the spark landed on the gun powder, a burst of heat and light erupted.

Hana got closer to the fire the moment the she felt the flames torridity. Her eyes just glazed over the blaze as she sat there trying to unfreeze her body's state. Arms still cloaked together, legs pulled up tight, it looked like all hope was lost for her.

Hana: "We're not gonna make it. Are we?." She looked up at me.

(Y/N): "Hana, please. Don't think like that. We'll make it, I promise." I say as I get down to her level.

Lowering myself help me better see some of the wounds Hana had taken. With no medics with us I took matters into my own hands. I ripped out a piece of my bio foam injectors that was exposed from my battle damaged Mjolnir armor. Pointing it at her wounds, I waiting for the sensor to detect a fresh open bruise and dispense its thick foamy substance to better heal and seal the cut. Hana wailed to the burning sensation on the initial application, but as the antimicrobial substance did its job, they soon numb the pain and she relaxed. I did this to all her wounds before placing it back into my suit.

(Y/N): "It's best that you go get some sleep Hana." I concluded.

Hana: "What about you? Aren't you gonna get some sleep?" She asked.

(Y/N): "I have to stay up all night Hana. I need to be on guard. I don't need a sleep rotation."

I got some large tree leaves that were drenched by the rain to help cushion her from the cold and heavy handed rock shelter. In all her years she at least slept in an acceptable bed, but this night would be a long and enduring one. Hana did her best to handle the discomfort but ultimately snuggled herself in pain.

I took outpost just at the entrance of the cave, doing one eighty degree scans of the vicinity to ensure no threats were approaching. I looked behind at Hana, making sure that my piece of humanity within me was safe and secure.

(Y/N): "Good night Hana."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2021 ⏰

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