Chapter 2. The Entrance Exam

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Hi, guys. Here's the next chapter of my story. Have fun reading and tell me what you think. ^^


Chapter 2. The Entrance Exam

"There's nothing happy about having your fate decided for you! You have to grab your own happiness!" – Lucy Heartfilia

Olivia regrets her decision the very next day. Since they don't take her Jewel here, but have a completely different currency, she has not the slightest amount of money. Because of that she couldn't afford a place to stay. Luckily, Nezu was kind enough to give her a room in the school, which was meant for a teacher, who backed out of the job last month. But that wasn't what made her regret the decision. No, the room is actually rather cosy, with a small open kitchen inside of the living room, a small bedroom and a bathroom.

What made her regret the decision was that she totally forgot about the school part Aizawa spoke about. That's why before her on the table of her living room lie around ten books about different topics... and don't let her get started on the twenty other books put aside on a bookshelf in the room. She looks at Aizawa with a puppy dog face, who stands across from her. "Please don't." she whines.

The man is completely unfaced by her look. "You want to join the school year in a few months so you have to learn as much as you can. You still have to pass the written exam besides the practical one. Since you told me you didn't go to school of any kind and aren't from this world you don't know any of the things you need for that."

A whimper escapes her, "But can't I just skip it?" she asks with big, pleading eyes.

"No." he answers with a monotone voice. "I brought all the books you need to get the basics down so that you can pass. Read them and learn it. You won't get a special treatment just because you are from a different world."

She can't believe that she actually thought Aizawa was a nice guy. This man is the devil. The Dragon Slayer would take one of Erzas training courses from hell over this any day ... All right, maybe she wouldn't, but this here is still hell. With a sigh she accepts the fact that Aizawa won't give in and pulls the gale-force reading glasses she once got from Levy out of her pouch. She puts them on and opens the first book.

"You need glasses?" asks Aizawa curious. Since Vivi explained her magic to them the day before in detail, he thought she would have an excellent sight. With her having the senses of a dragon and all that. Their reaction to her explaining how she got magic to slay dragons was utterly hilarious. It just got better when she told them that her father teached it to her ... who was an actual storm dragon. They really didn't get why a dragon would teach someone magic to slay dragons.

A good thing was that they came up with a Quirk for her, or more they decided to make it two Quirks. One of her Quirks gives her, her enhanced senses and physique, which they found out she had after she fought against Aizawa in a sparring match to demonstrate her magic. The mage fought against him like she would fight against her guildmates. The Pro Hero is a really good fighter and could probably really have given her a run for her money if they fought for real. She just surprised him with the strength of her kick. Turns out the people of this world aren't as durable as the ones in her world and not nearly as physically strong.

So, that's how Aizawa got out of their fight with three broken ribs after about two minutes, when Vivi kicked him in his side with full force. The Dragon Slayer apologized for five minutes straight after that, until he told her that it was all right and he would be okay. Which may have been what Aizawa said, but Vivi is pretty sure this written exam is his punishment for her. A shiver runs down her spine at the word. At least it's not a Fairy Tail punishment.

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