Chapter 1. A world of Heroes

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Hi ^^

Here's already the first chapter of my story. Please enjoy and tell me what you think. 😊


"Don't give up, the beginning is always the hardest, so let's keep on going till the very end." – Natsu Dragneel

Chapter 1. A world of Heroes

After a little while Olivia stands back up from the ground. Determination is burning in her eyes. I don't have time to waste. I need to find my way back to Bubble. It's really not the time to sit around. She looks to her left and right. The dark alley goes both ways. But which way should she choose? Before she can decide she narrows her eyes, because an unfamiliar scent hits her nose. A noise from behind brings her to turn around.

A man stands there with messy black hair, a long grey scarf wrapped around his neck and strange glasses. Are these even glasses? They look really strange. Maybe more like goggles. But still strange goggles. Without wasting another thought Olivia takes a defence stance and looks at him in suspicion. "Who the hell are you?"

He lifts his hands in a non-threatening way, to show her that he means no harm. "I don't want to hurt you. I'm Eraser Head. The Pro Hero. What are you doing here? You're hurt."

The things he said gets her confused. She looks down at herself noticing the bruises she probably got from the explosion of this strange orb. "These are just some scratches. I had worse... What's a Pro Hero?" she asks then, her eyes back on the strange man. Her stand relaxes just slightly. He gives her some Gildarts vibes, which probably means she can trust him. Olivia always feels somehow if a person means harm or not. That's why she felt so on edge earlier with the dark mage.

"You don't know what a Pro Hero is?" his voice holds a hint of surprise, but Olivia can't make out his expression because of the scarf and strange goggles.

She answers honestly. Getting more confused as more time passes. "No. Should I?" Wait a second! This is my chance to ask where I am! "Could you tell me where I am?"

"You don't know that either? Do you have amnesia or something?" he asks, his voice sounding completely serious.

"No." She shrugs, her stance now completely relaxed. "I was in a fight and this guy teleported me here somehow. So, I don't have a clue where I am right now. And I have to go back fast. My friend is still there."

"You're in Musutafu, Japan. Who did you fight?"

Olivia blinks, completely overhearing his question. "Where is that?"

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head? You really don't know where Japan is?" The man gets more and more confused by the girl before him.

"No. I didn't and I don't. I'm from the city of Magnolia in the Kingdom of Fiore which is on the continent of Ishgar." When the man doesn't seem to have a clue what Olivia is talking about, she narrows her eyes again. Her eyes travel over the man again, when she notices something. Her eyes turn big. This can't be. This man doesn't have a magic container. What the hell? Even the people who can't use magic still have a magic container. 

That's when it hits her. Don't tell me I'm in Edolas? She lets a storm cloud surround her hand. A sight of relief escapes her at the familiar feeling of her magic. I can still use my magic. So, it can't be Edolas. Her face turns pale. That means I'm not in Edolas, but I'm not in Earthland, either am I? "Um, Mister." She begins, unsure if she really should ask such a question, but decides that she doesn't really have any other choice. "What is this world called?"

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