Chapter 14. Obstacle Race

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Hello my good people and welcome to the next chapter. :)

My birthday was two days ago and I finally had time to re-read and edit so here you go.

Big thanks to everyone for comments and votes. I love you. ❤️

Have fun reading. ^^


Chapter 14. Obstacle Race

“You have three choices, you can give up, give in, or give it your all.” – Lucy Heartfilia

On the day of the Sports Festival Olivia finds herself in a waiting room inside U.As arena with the rest of her class. She can hear the dulled sound of fireworks going off on the outside. Everyone is clothed in their gym uniform. The Dragon Slayer was glad she was still allowed to wear the cuff bracelets around her upper arms after she asked Aizawa if it would be okay. For the tournament she put her hair into a high ponytail. A strand of hair on her left side hangs loose and is decorated with the usual gold hair accessory to hold it together. Excited for the tournament she sits on a chair at a table with Tsuyu, Toru and Ochaco. Bubble went with Aizawa a while ago. The Exceed wasn’t allowed to be in the waiting room with the class.

Mina is standing right next to their table and pulls on her uniform with a whine, “Aww, man, I was totally hoping I could wear my costume.”

“Everyone will be in uniforms.” responses Ojiro, stretching his arms, “That’ll keep things fair, right?”

On one of the other tables sits Rikido, seeming really nervous, “I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round.”

“No matter what they’ve prepared we must persevere.” Replies Fumikage with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

Tenya suddenly bursts into the room. The only one of the class who wasn’t there already. “Everyone, get your game faces on! We’re entering the arena soon.”

“Midoriya.” Everyone’s attention is drawn towards Shoto, who addressed the green-haired boy and walks up to him currently.

“Hey, Todoroki.” Izuku turns towards the dual-haired boy with slight confusion showing, “What’s up?”

“From an objective standpoint, I think it’s fairly clear that I’m stronger than you.” Stats Shoto bluntly.

Olivia raises an eyebrow and looks back and forth between the two boys. Where is he going with that?

“Huh? Uh, yeah.” Responses Izuku quietly.

“However, you’ve got All Might in your corner helping you out. I’m not here to pry about what’s going on between you two. But know that I will beat you.” He declares with confidence, staring at Izuku intensely.

Huh, I can feel some serious tension there. Olivia’s eyes flicker back and forth between the two boys again. Why does Shoto particularly addresses Izuku like this? Has he some personal problems with him? Like Katsuki does?

“Woah, what’s with all these declarations of war lately?” questions Denki.

“Yeah, what's the big deal, why are you picking a fight all of a sudden?” Eijiro places a hand on Shoto’s shoulder, after walking up to him while he talks. “And right before we get started.”

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