Chapter 7. Emergency Exit

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Since I'm in a total writing flow right now I'm glad that I can say I held my promise and have already the next chapter ready for you. ^^ Thanks for all the comments and votes. They really make me happy every time. 😊

Now to something else. The one thing I'm really not sure about right now is who I want Vivi to intern with. She'll definitely go to Hosu, because I have something planned, but I don't know which Pro Hero I should choose for the internship. That's why I thought about making it a voting. I can't promise that Vivi actually ends up interning with the Pro Hero you guys' vote, because I might someday get a brainstorm or something. But for now, I'm letting you vote. Maybe it inspires me with some ideas. I thought about the following as of now:

Fat Gum

Endeavor (That would be mostly to annoy the shit out of him)



Gang Orca

Sir Nighteye

Someone else you would you want to see her intern with

Also, I'm still searching for nicknames for Vivi from Bakugo. Just write suggestions in the comments if you have one besides Blueberry. Maybe I'll use it. :)

Have fun reading. ^^


Chapter 7. Emergency Exit

"It's hard looking for someone so small. So don't leave my side." – Gajeel Redfox

After Olivia and Eijiro won against their opponents they continue to watch the other teams fight after going back into the monitoring room and receiving their feedback. All Might praised Vivi's good tactical thinking and teamwork strategy but also scolded her for the big property damage she caused. She just rubbed the back of her head with an apologetic smile and took the scolding.

The remaining battles continued without any more property damage and before long classes finally came to an end.

"That's a wrap!" begins All Might in his loud, almost booming voice, "Super Work! You really stepped up to the plate, and we didn't have any major injuries, except for young Midoriya! You should be proud! Excellent first day of training all around!"

Tsuyu lifts her hand at that. "It's nice to hear some encouraging words after homeroom class. Aizawa-sensei was kind of a buzz-kill."

The whole class except for Olivia nod in agreement. "It wasn't all that bad. At least he didn't throw spears at us. Or left us alone on the top of the coldest mountain in the area in the middle of a snowstorm. Or-"

Eijiro is the one to interrupt her, while the class plus All Might stare at her dubious, "What the hell kinda training did you do before?"

Olivia shivers, Erza's devilish grin taking over her mind. "Don't ask, please. I had three devils to train me. Aizawa-sensei's training is nothing against theirs. It's more relaxing, really."

The class decides not to ask again. When she calls Aizawa's classes relaxing, she must have been gone through hell before. ... They don't know how right they are with this thought.

"Regardless I'm happy to bring such staggering positivity to my alma mater! That's all for now, folks! I should go and check on young Midoriya's progress! Now, watch how a Pro exits. Like he's got somewhere to be!" With that All Might takes off, leaving a cloud of dust behind.

"Ok, you guys, that is a hero." Speaks Denki in awe.

"Aww, I'll never be able to run that fast." Broods Ojirou.

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