Chapter 16: "Because I love her."

Start from the beginning

Jungkook's eyes widened and he looked down at his wrist, almost like he was noticing it for the first time. "Um... it was a gift from my mom a long time ago," he said, his eyes sad.

My heart clenched at his words. "I'm... I'm sorry," I stammered. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

Jungkook shook his head then held up his wrist. The bracelet was silver in color and made of thin links. One of the links had a silver charm in the shape of a conch shell. "It was one of the last things she ever gave to me before... before she was killed," he said softly.

I reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know," I said gently.

Jungkook reached up and covered my hand with one of his. I was surprised how cool his hand was in the warm weather. "It's okay. I'm okay talking about her," he said.

"Can you tell me more about the scroll? And what does it have to do with the incubus?" I asked, trying to distract him from the memory of his mother.

Jungkook ran a hand through his dark hair and I noticed for the first time, it was dark green on the bottom. It must have caught the sunlight just right. I reached over and fingered the edge of the strands. "The scroll says the mythical beings each have a soulmate," he said finally.

The thought made me laugh out loud. "You mean the man whore has one woman he's supposed to be with?" I asked, my voice cracking from the laughter.

Jungkook snickered at my words. "I've never really thought of him as a man whore, but I guess you could say that," he admitted.

"As funny as that is, I just don't believe in the idea of soulmates anymore than I do of mythical beings," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Then what made you so curious about the incubus?" Jungkook asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

"Um... nothing much. I've just been having a dream of a strange guy that I've never seen before," I said, embarrassed to admit it.

Jungkook nudged my shoulder. "Maybe you're being visited by an incubus," he said, his words joking but his tone serious.

I snorted out a laugh. "Yeah that's not true. If I'm being visited by an incubus then you must be a vampire," I joked, nudging him back.

Jungkook glared at me. "Don't compare me to those ruthless bloodsuckers," he said, his voice filled with irritation.

I held up my hands in mock surrender. "Wow. Sorry! Not a vampire. Duly noted," I said. I looked down at my phone. "Hey I got to go, but thanks for meeting with me."

Jungkook nodded. "No problem. It's not like you believe me, but at least I tried," he said, his voice sounding almost defeated.

I patted his shoulder. "It's not that I don't believe you. I just don't believe in any of it," I admitted. We said our goodbyes and I made my way home, my mind filled with thoughts of the impossible conversation we just had.

Jimin POV:

I was laying in my bed thinking about what Taehyung had said to me when a quiet conversation filled my ears. I wasn't really paying attention to it until I heard my soulmate's name.

"Y/N really doesn't believe in any of it," I heard a familiar voice, the voice of my youngest brother, saying. "She wants to believe, but she can't."

"There's not really a way we convince her without showing tangible proof," another voice said, Namjoon this time.

I heard Jin scoff. "I can't believe you called me a ruthless blood sucker," he said, his voice filled with irritation.

"You need to be more careful," Namjoon said, his voice belaying his caution. "Y/N is off limits to you, especially since you have your own soulmate."

Jungkook coughed. "Umm... well yes, but can't soulmates change?" he asked.

I clenched my fists in anger at his words. What the fuck was he talking about?

I heard Namjoon sigh. "Technically you are correct. If a soulmate is rejected completely, it is possible that soulmate can transfer to another," he admitted. "There's no guarantee who it would transfer to, but the possibility is there since you have a relationship with her."

"What about him?" Jungkook asked. Him? Was that little shit referring to me?

"Well I guess if his soulmate transferred to you, or anyone of us, he would have none," Namjoon explained.

My heart clenched at his words, but I pushed it aside. Isn't this what I wanted? To not be tied to a soulmate?

"Isn't that a good thing? Isn't that what he wants?" Jungkook asked, his voice hopeful. "I... I like Y/N."

At his words, I jumped up from my bed. I had had enough. I stormed into the living room, my fists clenched in rage, my knuckles white. "Stay the fuck away from her," I demanded, stalking towards Jungkook. Before I could reach his chair, I was yanked backwards. I turned to look and noticed Jin standing there, a hold on the back of my shirt and a look of authority. "Let go of me!"

Jin gave me a glare that meant he wasn't putting up with my bullshit. "Yeah... I don't think so," he said simply then shoved me down into a chair.

"Why are you so angry?" Namjoon asked, moving to stand between Jungkook and myself. "You don't want anything to do with her. This might be the solution to your problem. If she transfers to Jungkook, you'll be free to continue your life with no problems."

"Yeah continue to be a man whore," Jungkook snorted. He held up his hands when I glared at him. "Y/N's words, not mine."

My heart clenched at the negative thoughts my soulmate had about me. Is that really what she saw me as? I couldn't deny that it was essentially the truth. I thought about the countless women I had been with throughout the years. Not one, not a single one, could compare to my beautiful soulmate. The idea of Jungkook burying himself in her body and bringing her pleasure the way I had made me sick to my stomach. There was no denying it now.

"Think about it," Jin insisted. "Since you truly don't want her, this is your way out."

Namjoon nodded in agreement. "Y/N clearly likes Jungkook. If you stop visiting her and completely reject her then it could very well switch to Jungkook," he said.

Jin held up a hand. "There's no guarantee though Jungkook," he said, gesturing towards my youngest brother.

Jungkook blushed then gestured towards his hair. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. What did his hair have to do with anything? I looked towards Namjoon and Jin for help. "Did Y/N see it?" Jin asked.

Jungkook nodded. "She did. She was talking to me and reached over and was touching the ends," he conceded.

"What the hell is going on? What the fuck does Jungkook's hair have to do with the soulmate thing?" I asked, my mind still confused.

Jungkook lifted the ends of his hair and I noticed they were a jade color. "My hair changed color in front of her," Jungkook explained. "It's a sign of a potential soulmate. It's the siren in me accepting her."

No. No. This can't be happening. "NO!" I shouted jumping to my feet, my anger finally taking over me. "You cant have her! I wont allow it!"

Jungkook stood up, clearly ready to argue the issue. "Why? Why can't I have her? You don't want her. So why can't I have her?" he demanded.

I collapsed back into the chair, dropping my head in my hands. "Because I love her," I whispered, my voice broken at the thought of losing her to Jungkook.

No More Dream: Book 1 of the Mythical Beings Soulmate Series (Jimin X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now