|34| Kunugigaoka Festival

Start from the beginning

"But... thanks for saying that..." he broke the silence, your father's image seeming to disappear into thin air as it was replaced by your brother once again. "I really needed it," he sighed, leaning against the headrest.

His shoulders drooped, exhaustion washing over him and you couldn't help but feel sad for him. Moving out and leaving behind the family's appearances wasn't as easy as you had thought and your brother was proof of that. Even after your father had controlled his whole life, your brother still found it difficult to leave, he still found it difficult to say goodbye.

But honestly, you were glad he was finally gathering the courage to live his own life. You yourself knew that you didn't have what it took to finally say goodbye. Even if you didn't like to admit it, you wouldn't have the strength to leave your mother behind. It would be easier if she was a complete monster, but she wasn't. She was human, just like everybody else.

Sure what she was doing wasn't acceptable, but every now and then, she would show you her caring and loving side, the one she used to show you when you were little. And whenever that happened, you couldn't help but wish that you could help her someway. Deep inside you, you hoped that, by following her rules, the mother from your childhood would come back.

That was why, right now, you couldn't help but admire the strength your brother was showing you. Your father had ignored you your whole life, but he hadn't ignored your brother which was why he was now having such a hard time leaving. After all, you didn't know your brother's full story.

Maybe his childhood was similar to yours, a time when your father was a loving and caring parent. Or maybe his experience was completely different. He may not have received as much love as you did from your mother but your father was there for him even if it sometimes didn't seem like it. Your father was indeed more detached from his emotions than your mother, but he did show it in his own way. You had seen it whenever they left to go camping and even in the way he looked at your brother. Not only whenever he did something good, but also when he wasn't looking.

So, after years of keeping up with the family's appearances, your brother was finally getting to live his own life and although it required a lot of courage and strength to take that step towards such an uncertain future, you were sure he would succeed.

It was then that you finally understood. Your brother wasn't being entirely selfish. Neither of you were. It was to be expected for you to not want him to leave, but it was also to be expected that he would want to move on. The only thing you could do was cheer for him and hope that he would be able to achieve his goal.

"Akiro," you called out before he had the chance to sit up. He frowned upon hearing his name, turning his head to look at you. "I know how difficult it must be," you began, "I know I wouldn't have the strength to do what you're doing," you voiced out your thoughts, "but I know it's the right thing to do," you smiled to reassure him of his decision. "You'll finally get to study what you want and enjoy your own life. I don't know if father will actually hate you, but even if he does... I-I'll be here for you," you stammered the last part, not used to showing so much raw emotion to your brother.

"I-... thank you," a small, grateful smile tugged the corners of his lips.


You slowly opened your eyes, adjusting them to the bright rays of sunlight coming through the silk curtains of your bedroom. Your whole body ached and you blamed your mother and Mrs Shirai for it.

An ice skating competition was coming up and this time, you had little time to prepare for it. The competition would be just after final exams so you wouldn't have as much time to practice since you had to study.

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