As they got closer to the sound, a single light shown upon Clayface. The villain was...


What it was, Stellar didn't know, but she was sure it was organic from the smell.

The heroine forced herself to look away, but that wasn't the case with Miss Martian, who stared ahead wide-eyed.

The Martian girl slapped her palm over her mouth and let out low whimpers at the sight before Clayface stopped abruptly.

Stellar held her breath as Clayface slowly moved away from his meal and turned to face where the team sat still in the shadows of the tunnel. The monster stared for some time before going back to what he began, the squelching sound returning.

Stellar released the breath she was holding before hearing a squeak. As she looked down, she saw what looked to be an army of sewer rats running to them. She quickly hovered an inch off of the ground, Miss Martian doing the same.

The boys were unaffected, but the same thing couldn't be said about Artemis.

The archer released a shrill scream as her feet were swarmed.

Stellar's eyes grew wide as she slowly looked up to where Clayface once was.

Instead of eating like he was before. He stared directly into the darkness of the tunnel. The same darkness that the team was hiding in, letting out a loud screech before turning into some kind of sludge and disappearing through the water.

"Okay, I just want to make it known that I wasn't the one that tipped him off," Stellar stated proudly, gesturing to herself.

Aqualad sighed before turning to Miss Martian, "Can you track it?"

The Martian placed her hands on her head and closed her eyes. "He's not here anymore. I can't-" She stated, shaking her head before pausing and opening her eyes.

"He's above us." She stated confidently.

"Oh, great. How are we gonna get up there?" Kid Flash asked with a sarcastic tone. Stellar just looked at him with a raised brow.

"I think I might have an idea." She stated with a smirk.

She flew up and smashed her fist into the stone above them, breaking a hole through the sewer roof and into some kind of box factory.

She flew back down and grabbed KF and Robin, Miss Martian grabbing Aqualad and Artemis with her telekinesis, and Superboy just jumping through to the other side.

"I can't help but notice that you always grab the Wall-man first," Kid Flash said, smirking at Stellar as she put him and Robin down.

"You know I can push you back down there, right?" She asked in a duh tone, gesturing to the hole that lead to the sewer. The ginger raised his hands in surrender before Aqualad began speaking.

"This Factory seems to be larger than the sewer; Clayface could be anywhere. So I think it would be best if we split up. We could cover more ground that way."

"Split up? No way. That's how everyone dies in the movies." Kid Flash stated fearfully.

"Would you do it for a Scooby Snack?" Stellar asked jokingly, putting her hands on her hips and glancing around the area for any sign of Clayface.

"M'gann set up the link. If any of you find Clayface, communicate your position, and we'll rendezvous there." Aqualad ordered as Miss Martian placed her hands on her head.

"Communications set," Miss M stated, turning to Aqualad.

"Good. Stellar will search the North end of the factory with Superboy in the south. Kid, Robin, and Miss Martian east. With myself and Artemis in the west."

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