Chapter 6: School

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As I tap Amelia on the arm I can feel my heart thumping in my chest, Amelia turned around and I took a big deep breath and I said... '' im im a lesbian'' I felt the words just fall out my mouth and now I can breath I thought to myself. ''Kierney...'' Amelia responded, once again I felt my heart race and I thought to myself ''what is she going to say, what will she do'' as Amelia opened her mouth I suddenly said '' I understand if you don't know what to say its a big thing'' Amelia said 

''im so happy for you and i'll be here to help you find you're first girlfriend.

''haha'' I laugh back to Amelia ''there is something else I need to tell you''...

''you know Sam in Ackley Bridge?'' I say 

''yes I do the one with the big forehead?'' Amelia says. ''Well I don't know about that but, yes about Sam, I don't know how to say this''

Amelia stopped me for a second and said ''take your time is it that you have a crush on her?''

''ummm yes I do haha'' I say with nerves.

''Well if you like her then , you like her!'' Amelia says in her sarcastic voice.

I know she doesn't mean to sound sarcastic, but I find it quite amusing. As the school bus pulls up to school we get our backpacks and coats and we head into school. Amelia goes off to her first lesson which is Biology and my first lesson is PSHE.

When I walked into class I say hello to my teacher Miss Roberts. I really like Miss Roberts she's the sort of teacher that you can talk to about anything and everything. As I sat down and got my PSHE book out, I hear some whispers coming from the back of the class. When I turned around I  heard everything had gone quiet , no more whispering , no more chatting it was silent. I thought to myself it must have been about me, but I shrugged my shoulders and turned around to start my lesson. After PSHE I went to History and after History it was break. 

At break I went to go find Amelia she was sat on the bench outside as normal, reading her book. I sat down next to her and said ''hey what are you reading now I swear you had just started a book yesterday, but now you have a different one?''  

''I was up until 5:34 in the morning, reading about Bradley Simpson'' Amelia responded with 

''haha your kidding, so you have only had 2 hours sleep?'' I say 

''yes haha'' she giggled 

''how did you stay awake in Mr Edwards Music lesson then lol?'' I reply 

''idk lol'' was the answer I got.

After break I had French with Amelia, the lesson was ok I was so glad it was over though, now I can enjoy my pasta my mum made me for lunch.  Amelia and I entered the lunch hall we sat down to eat our lunch then we see this new girl and then... I got shivers going down my spine it was her...

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